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]TPG[ Total Punishment Gaming - Community Recruitment [Established Private Hive]

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Bumpit. Just had a server reboot, all heli crashes are up, all vehicles that were destroyed are back up, and the servers at 180 vehicles.

Come and get your game on!

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we like where our vehicle and custom building balance is, but we're now tweaking our uh-1y / event spawn / care package spawn balance. so please, log in and tell us what you think!

Edited by ctrl-alt-DESTROY!

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working through some issues arising from switching hives. all character data has been retained, so don't fret!

but please do come and help us squash the few remaining bugs. and help or shoot us along the way (;

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This server is freaking AMAZING, best server i've been on, they have some nice bandit clans you can go kill, and the clan there is very kind and helpful, played on this server ever since i joined while ago, new players means new fun.

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night time? fog? ai bandit and survivor groups? mechagodzilla? strip clubs? lit up houses? street lamps? no rain?

you'll just have to log on and find out...

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please check out the server and give your opinions. we've made tons of changes and additions. we know what we like but we're really looking to heard from the community.

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Server is great. Only played DayZ like a week before night was implemented and it makes the whole experience a lot more fun. Plus the fog makes everything so eerie and awesome. Not to mention it makes great cover for sniping bandits...

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we're running a second race event this friday evening at 8:30 pm eastern - only this time with gas-powered vehicles and not just bikes. check our forums to register or for more information!

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last night's event was a hell of a lot of fun!

congrats to connor and flesh gordon for winning, and the last-minute team of [FTC]arameus + krowser for taking down second place.

enjoy your prizes!

next friday night we're running a scavenger hunt event at 8:30 pm eastern. check our forums (totalpunishmentgaming.com) for more info!

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we're running a scavenger hunt this friday at 8:30pm eastern.

the exact list, known only to me before the event, will be posted once we're live.

all entrants need to be a fresh spawn... if you're worried about losing your gear to a suicide either put it in a tent or msg me beforehand so i can 'help' you out (;

Edited by ctrl-alt-DESTROY!

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we just rolled out a BRAND NEW version of this server, completely updated for and the newest version of our hive tweaked, of course, the way we like it.

check out all the new additions and changes over here!

Edited by ctrl-alt-DESTROY!

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