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Can't find the key bindings for function keys

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So i hear people say stuff like "alt f4 noob" and such while i at the same time have tried alt F4 and also using the F10 and F12 keys.

And uhhhh ya it works when i use the function keys to record or take screenshot but using the ALT F4 thing ya don't work, but that isn't the issue i care about, what i care about is how to unbind the function keys to whatever they are bound to cause every time i hit one it brings up the command or orders menu and when recording or taking screenshots it gets annoying especially when i might be in combat....so any help?

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First of all ALT+F4 is not unbindable. It is a Windows Hotkey to close a program. Keys in Arma that are not bound open the orders menu as I recall, just bind them to what you want.

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Yaaa well i don't think u get what i mean, when ever i hit any function keys i get a little menu on the left side of my screen that looks similar to the commands menu from regular arma, but it isn't and that prevents me from any ALT F4ing but more importantly it gets in the way when i try recording or taking screen shots.

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