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DayZ The Revolution Private Hive - Active Admins - Vehicles ]TPG[

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Hello all!

Are you looking to avoid hackers, invetiable loss of gear, grief, and just a general -bad time-?

Then come on over to The Revolution, a DayZ vanilla private hive server sponsored by a regular of the well known ]TPG[ Gaming Community DaltonXJ (http://www.totalpunishmentgaming.com)

Server Name: DayZ The Revolution Private Hive [DayZ ... ]

Server IP (click Remote IP in DayZ or add favorite in Commander):

Server Benefits:

  • Active Admins
  • Respectful Players
  • Strict NO-DUPING policy (followed internally and applied externally)
  • Many vehicles are up for grabs (not an admin monopoly)
  • Vehicle spawn scripts functioning properly
  • Welcoming community of ]TPG[ Members and Regulars

For those of you who are wondering about the ]TPG[ Community, here is the lowdown:

  • Servers across many game boundaries managed by a team of active Admins and populated by dedicated Members and Regulars
  • DayZ Servers (Private Hive, US106 NJ3 Vanilla)
  • CS:GO Servers (Deathmatch, Reverse Gungame, Classic)
  • CS:S Servers (Gungames and Vanilla)
  • TF2 Servers (Stock Rotation and more on the way!)
  • Minecraft Servers (Tekkit, and Vanilla!)
  • More and more every day, as members request and utilize

If you are interested just find a server that suits you, we have all the info on our site, and once you familiarize yourself in teamspeak you'll find friends and become a Regular. :)



Edited by livehifi
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