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Spawn Grace Period

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I think that to balance out pvp a little bit for newer players and even returning players, there should be some kind of 30 second grace period as your character spawns in, that he is immune to damage.

Reason: I had a well stocked character who I had laying prone in a corner of a building when I logged off the other night, when I got into a server and my character spawned in, I got shot and killed before I could even move or knew what was going on. That is pretty frustrating getting all my progress rendered useless because I was completely helpless.

I think this would give people more of an incentive to play alone, because this is exactly what I feared would happen one day when I logged in by myself.

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Wat? Easily abused. Nope.

Let me guess, you logged off in a city, in a building that is traveled through quite a lot, and now you're here..

I've never logged in and been killed because I don't log out inside of cities.

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Horrible idea, would just be abused.

If you don't want to be killed right when you spawn, try logging off in the corner of some shed in a not-so-well-traveled part of the city or in a bush in the countryside.

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My friend logged in today in a bush pretty far from any major towns (somewhere north of Gvozdno, south of the dam) and got popped before he could even move his character. Owned.

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Yeah I can see massive abuse of this. If you are in a pvp fight, just quick crash the game and join back in again. If you managed to log in fast enough you could take out that person before this 'invincibility' finishes.

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30 seconds is abusive, I agree, I am saying just enough time that the person can AT LEAST see his surroundings, I was in the middle of the woods north of Devil's Keep or whatever when this happened, so no, it wasn't a well traveled area either.

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If this is really needed, which I doubt, what about displaying scene of respawn before character is moved there? For like 5s you'll have time to see where are you going to spawn.

And if I'm not mistaken, side effect of this is that you'll have instant control of your avatar after its moved.

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