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Can you get a global ban for FRAPS?

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I use playclaw, gpu-z most of the time (low lvl video driver hooking) havent banned yet..oh yeah steam too.

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FRAPS is a favorite lame excuse for hackers who've been caught.

In 3 years there has never been a verified ban caused by FRAPS or any other recording software in Arma.

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You need to raise this issue with BattlEye. I don't know the answer' date=' I use fraps all the time and I'm not banned but YMMV.


I think it would be hilarious if you got banned from your own mod lol :D

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I record shows all the time so does my partner he uses fraps. I don't I use Dxtory our records are clean no bans so, take that for what it's worth. I keep the overlay on time it provides FPS info if my FPS drops to like zero why record fix what ever it is, Dxtory also shows file write helps me know when harddrive space get's low.

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You need to raise this issue with BattlEye. I don't know the answer' date=' I use fraps all the time and I'm not banned but YMMV.


HOHOHOHOHO how funny you are..... :dodgy: Very professional answer.

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They disallow it in the sense that ya, BE probably looks for any hooking of the DirectX functions. More than likely however, BE would simply kick you from the game than ban you. Turn up any related search results, and you'll find that most people remotely having a problem were simply getting kicked while having FRAPS running. They don't issue bans unless you obviously cheated, such as the script kiddies all got global banned, and that was because scripts technically route through BE first.

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