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I'm looking for a group of mature players.

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I'm extremely tired of grouping up with total children.

I am 17 years old and looking for people who want to play the game with intensity.

add me on skype: tillman.phillips

pm on here or just comment

Edited by Sulforic

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To play with great concentration. To keep getting better and better. Intensity can mean many different things.

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Hi there,

we have a group of Day Z gamers @ the BSB Network (www.bsbnetwork.com)

We are a stable and well established mature/adult gaming community. We have a few fire teams set up already and loads of informal ad-hoc groups that play online all day everyday. Our members are predominantly UK and Europe although we do have a couple of US and worldwide players though!

We use our own TS3 server (check it out now to see how active it is http://www.bsbnetwork.com/servers ) for comms and play on our own servers as well as a couple of whitelisted private hives and even some Day Z Redeux servers.

We're always open to decent folks, we have no restrictions or requirements other than fair play and common sense.

Hope to catch you in-game soon!

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