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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

How do you control your DayZ Rage?

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You know it's funny.

When I'm driving around at the airfield with a load of new gear and I hit a 1 foot pole sticking out of the ground and my vehicle explodes it's "huh, easy come easy go".

But when a zombie knocks me out while scavenging in Cherno it's "YOU FUCKING CUNT OF A ZOMBIE YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING MOTHER FUCKER" can be heard through out the neighbourhood. Seriously zombies enrage me like nothing else. No idea why.

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Being a more relaxed player I usually die to bugs and ambushes. With bugs I am usually laughing my ass off at how dumb my death was. Snipers don't really get anything out of me except a "what the fuck?!" When I get killed by some sudden gunfire from ten meters away I'm usually to busy falling out of my chair and shitting myself to be angry.

When I do get angry at some jackoff who thought it would be funny to pop a cap in my ass I usually just give DayZ a rest for a bit and play something else.

The only thing that I can think of when I see that big YOU ARE DEAD screen is Heavy yelling, "You are dead, not big surprise."

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I really don't get that angry in DayZ. Hackers piss me off, but I'm not screaming into my mic.

Dying's a part of the game, and you can't ever change that. Keep that mentality, and you'll have ten times the fun.

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I ragequit and go outside to have a nice relaxing smoke. Then come back and start playing some music and browse these forums for a little and then go back to chernarus and hunt down the fucker who killed me. And if that fails i just forget the whole game and start watching some of my favorite tv series like walking dead, supernatural or mlp.

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After my first couple of deaths back when I started playing DayZ, I just stopped getting angry when I died... It's part of the game, maybe it's even the whole point of the game, that at one point you just die... Through starvation, through zombies, through another player or maybe even through your own hand because you broke your leg in the middle of nowhere and you don't have any morphine...

There are games I sometimes get upset over, like Battlefield for example. When I get sniped by the same guy over and over or someone baseraping or something like that, but in DayZ, I see no point at all, raging over it...

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