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DayZ strikes again!

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Aah, it's a good day in DayZ-land. I just got my SVD camo and a pair of fancy looking ghillie suits. I am ready for action!

The day I decide to log in again was the day I'll regret forever.

I went on my regular server, having a grand old time watching Cr1tical on my other screen. When I heard shots, I quickly opened my Arma2 folder and found that I've been killed. What the hell!

The weapon I heard was a LMG, from the sound of it a SAW. However, he must have stood right next to me, which didn't make any sense at all.

I was logged out in the middle of a forest at least 3 kilometers NE of the NW airfield.

So, I'm wondering if this may have been a hacker.

I'm on DayZ strike, the game just handed me a gaint pile of DOO. I didn't have any of it though.

I'm considering saying to myself "Filip! No more DayZ"

Then again, DayZ is DayZ for a reason.

I'll be back hunting choppers in no time :)

For now, back to school!

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Play on private hives until the release of the standalone mate? I've had this happen and it was very annoying, I was fully kitted out with ghilli, M4A3 and AS50 and got killed from right next to me with a sniper. Then I respawned and it happened again after 5 seconds.

Private hives tend to be a little more vigilant about hackers and if you speak to the admin (some of them have side chat), you can report any hackers to them. :) I'd recommend servers with the Vilayer.com hive because you change change between them and keep your character.

Bring on the standalone alpha! Cannae waiiiiiiit!

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The thing is, I've got a fancy looking Hero skin on the main hive and I just don't wanna play without it :( Also, getting a new one would take a butt-long time.

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Same mate, i'm hero on main servers but as much as we shouldn't get attached to our gear, at this point in the game's development, I'm not getting attached to my character haha :).

With the standalone alpha coming soon we'll all have to start from scratch anyway, should be fun. :)

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True, but I hope our actions in the Alpha will be reflected into the standalone game. (If we are heroes now we are heroes in the standalone)

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Well first of, Its a 50/50 chanve that he was a hacker, but it also could be your fault as your not concentrating on the game. This isn't a Mod where your safe at any spot on the map, Your open to gunfire from everywhere. Just my 2 cents.

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Dedicated Greatness, there were only 3 or 4 online on the server and I logged in in the middle of a forest, I was "afk" for about 5 seconds and I was in fact shot the second I logged in.

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Sounds like one of them wonderful teleporting and navigator using hackers just paid u a visit ;)

Annoying little retards >:(

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