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Getting kicked from every server after 5 minutes please help? REALLY NEED HELP PLEASE

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Ok so i join any server from the server list start to play and then 5 minutes later it says "You have been kicked from the game" its the not server that is kicking me because ive went back onto the server and asked the admin and moderators did they kick me and they said no this is happening on every server. I have tryed updating battle eye and ive tryed more then 100 times to play the game but it just wont let me play. I really want to continue playing this game but i cant play i personally think its battle eye the shitty anti cheat engine that is causing the problem..

Please help?

Edited by xGozzy

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Allready updated battle eye as i said it didnt work and i dont think my firewall is blocking it because it says armaoa.exe is allowed access....

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An error message besides kicked from server would help. Join FR16 (update to the latest beta first) then I will tell you why.

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Well what kick reason does it give you? Admin ban? Ping too high? Battleye restriction?

And for the love of god, use some punctuation marks. I mean, you found the question mark and period.

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It Says "You have been kicked from the server." thats it no errors or anything...

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Had the same problem, reinstall dayz. just delete the @dayz folder and download it again. if this don't work and you're a steam user then open your steam ->right click on Arma2 AO -> properties-> local files-> verfify intergrity of game cache.

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