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Starting a scavenging group.

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Hey guys, I've been playing DayZ for about a month now, all of which I've played solo. I enjoy the lone wolf play style, but I'd like to experience the benefit of playing with a group as well (i.e. getting some vehicles together, making an encampment, raiding towns, going on medical rescue missions).

I live in the Eastern US and play at night throughout the week and randomly during the weekend. I'm 27 and looking for adults to play with, under 18 need not apply. I use Skype but am not above using TS, Vent, or Mumble.

Post here or send me a PM if you're interested. Thanks.

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I'll apply, but if you'll take me is another matter.

I'm British, 17 years old (Very mature. Have played with very tight older-person groups in other games)

Quite new to DayZ, but not new to Arma.

Skype name is maffooh. Hope you accept!

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Hey mate

I can help by being a sniper over watch for you. I have some guns for you if you choose to accept.

Skype= wschmidt711

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