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Choose Starting Items...Ultimate Risk/Reward

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Rocket you said this is in alpha and its a time to try radical things so here is one....

When someone spawns they get to choose what they spawn with. Its a time when a player can decide how they are going to play.

Lets say they have "5 credits" to spend. Each item has a certain value. They can pick a 1911 (3 credits) and only 2 mags (1 credit each), they can choose only food and water (each 1 credit) or they can choose a map (2 credits) and a compass(3 credits), or they can choose the initial load out. makarov (1 credit) 4 mags (each .5 credits) and a food and water.

This will allow people to choose high risk/high reward or just a "safe" spawn loadout. You can consider this "realistic" because "preppers" exist and they have to weigh pros/cons of what they buy and are limited by their money (credits). So yes this system would be realistic.

Now the next part is a stretch but possible every 250 hours people play they get another credit upon spawning. Obviously there would be a max number of possible credits and you cannot pick M4's and other good stuff to start with.

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Why are you so concerned with "realism"? That is not what DayZ is about, and should not be your reasoning behind a suggestion. It should serve a purpose within the game, even if its an unrealistic contrivance. What will this add to the game?

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Just a way to "mix it up". Most of the time people are tearing apart ideas its because "it wouldnt be realistic" so I gave a reason why it would be.

The real question is why is everyone so afraid of change? If its ends up being bad it will be removed. This is an alpha to try things out and see what works best. If this forum had its way. The final dayz would be exactly what we have, less DC'ing.

I think being able to change up what you spawn with more be fun.

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Add matches,knife with a proper cost and it'd be an interesting concept.Dont forget to put a price on the flares,bandages and other beginning stuff that would've make sense for starting survivor.

You gimp yourself either by having weak or no weapons or having no tools for a proper survival at the start.Interesting idea,but Im afraid that most people would prefer a strong pistol and beach warfare would become even more rediculous.

Personally I'd give a lot to be able to spawn with a compass at the start.

I've thought of a solution though : if you die witin 1-3 hours after spawning from zeds,bleeding,food or water needs you'll get penalized for a few points temporary(beeing killed by a player does not penalize as hard though),meaning that you will have to think twice if you are really going to roll with a good weapon but a few magazines.

And seeing how most people use map outside of the game I think that map will be an unpopular choice.

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How about we get a choice as to what kind of "survivor" we are.

For example a doctor could start with bandages, ephedrine, morphine and skill in transfusion but have no weapons. Geologist could have a map and compass, tourist could have a map and food and water. Soldier could start with a weapon, matches and a compass etc.

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I can see how this would play out.

Spawn with gun, sit on coast, shoot the guys that spawned with map and food, profit.

Soon, everyone starts spawning with a gun and killing each other. Square one.

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Soon' date=' everyone starts spawning with a gun and killing each other. Square one.


You can't eat guns, so probably after they've done some killing only to find another (superfluous) gun and some ammo they'll be off to scavenge for food, medical supplies etc. Technically it wouldn't be much different than now.

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