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Lookin for some dudes to play with

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Lone wolf gets old quick so im looking for a few active people to play with. I play actively, good amount of hours a day. Most of my time is in the evenings from about 9pm - 2am EST. Being a bandit, hunting bandits, killing zeds, raiding - im up for whatever.

Shoot me a pm or leave a message here and we can get somethin going.

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If you dont mind playing est times on a private dark server in the evenings ....we can get you nvg, then you may want to give us a look. We are currently 5 strong and looking for 2-3 more, we are getting ourselves established to the north and will be running out of our camp there. The server is private so you will have to apply for a password and we have a small app can check out both at my blog below.

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