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We need @hive updates!

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With private hive servers being the large minority of servers our their. They're releasing updates for @bliss which is fixing some major issues with the hosting of dayz, some issues that need to be addressed, such as HUGE loading times with servers +40 people.

SA is coming out before year end. We need a @hive update before SA comes out. This game is going the way of the private hive due to the lack of focus on dayzmod. I can see why which is focus on SA, but that leaves us server admins having to deal with our players giving them excuses for why these things are happening, but we have no real answer to give them.

With servers being bombarded by hackers and blasted with mass vehicle spams our public hive servers are becoming unplayable. We need some type of update at least to the server end before SA is released. The sooner the better.

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With servers being bombarded by hackers and blasted with mass vehicle spams our public hive servers are becoming unplayable

I refuse to play on official servers anymore because of the amount of hackers. Just last night I was being shot at on a hillside by what I believe was a player in an invisible helicopter. Dogs are more important than anti-cheat measures I guess? Heck, the latest patch was mainly to address duping...news flash, duping isn't the biggest problem we're facing right now. Players in invisible attack choppers are a few steps higher on the ladder IMHO.

I also refuse to host an official server because Rocket refuses to relinquish his rule over how we run them. Why should we pay the rent or the electric bill to run them when we can't kick or ban for anything other than what he says? Why should we not be allowed to make room on OUR SERVER for OUR FRIENDS OR CLANMATES? The DayZ staff cut their own throats by doing that which led to this private hive > official hive scenario.

Edited by johnnydotexe

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