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Friendlies only - Anti Bandit group + TeamSpeak3 + Website. (Closed For Now)

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Count me in

Steam ID: neppy_2ch

Place: NewYork

Mic: no..

I don't have mic, but I can listen and move whatever squad leader said !

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Could use a group, tried of no one having my back anymore =D

Steam name : Fasaning

Location : Texas

Age : 21

Mic : yes

Been using this mod for a while, just looking to get back at those pesky bandits

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Steam: darknight558

I never killed a single person that had not shot at me first and i plan to keep it that way. I hope starting a giant ass group would negate most of the solo bandits.

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Steam name: Nack the Weasel

Location: Alaska

Age: 24

Mic: Yes

Just started playing Day Z yesterday, been havin a lot of fun. But its obvious that teamwork is required to get anywhere in this game, and I've already been murdered twice. I've yet to fire on another player.

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Welcome, invites sent out again, welcome to the group.

We are now sitting at a good 23 members in our group, things are looking nice, welcome all that have joined, I look forward to playing Dayz with you all.

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Steam - Cda or cdaprotag w/e pops up

Mic - yep

age - 22

been playing since last week. fairly new but i have already picked up on things on were to go and whatnot never have the intentions to kill anyone though i have had to kill a person or 2 in self defense (they shot 1st). im just getting tired of getting shot out of nowhere had a character for 5 days had ~250 Zed kills had an m4, pdw even had NVGs then out of nowhere while i was walking in what i though was an empty area BANG i was dead. im looking for a group to play with really.. if that means im hunting bandits so be it

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Steam - crazy_carl_

Microphone - Yes

Age - 28

I've been playing DayZ for several weeks and have just gotten used to the new updates. I can now slide in and out of town avoiding zombie encounters and lose packs of zombies in an instant if I'm unlucky. I never fire my gun in town. No point to wasting a bullet on a zed.

I have had a few nice interactions with other players but I think I'm ready for a real group that I can play with regularly and trust. And who can watch my back for those that want to run me over with a truck or shoot me without saying a word.

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Steam name: Darkspy (Look for the avatar with the squirel and a rocket launcher)

Location: California

Age: 24

Mic: Yes

Just started playing Day Z last week but I've been having a ton of fun. I have been looking for a more organized setting with a common purpose. I'd be overjoyed to become an asset for your team. I'm team oriented, friendly, and enjoy long walks on zombie infested beaches.

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In Game name Kawika.

Steam- Kawika13

37, former US Marine, have mic. Really digging this gaming, not digging the Bandits. I am in the central time zone. I have never shot anyone how wasn't shooting at me first. Looking forward to Hunting with a group.

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Steam name: Wozza

Location: Florida

Age: 25

Mic: Yes

I have explored most of the map with a few friends but they are getting tired of the game and I am not a huge fan of playing by myself. I would love to join up with a group to go hunt some bandits and protect the survivors.

Edit - I added you as a Steam friend Criss just in case you cannot find my profile.

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I'm like many here; sick of being isolated and gunned down by uncivilized individuals.

Steam account: newbitect

Steam name: Yam4gata

Location: Detroit, MI

Age: 30

Required Communication tools: yes

I have 60 hours of survival experience and a good understanding of the in-and-outs of survival in this game. I'm fancy myself an expert stealthy, and could assist scout/recon/loot missions to help the team.

I agree that a goal should be to obtain operable transportation and enough supplies to sustain a livable community. I also think that establishing a strong base-camp would be essential to survival.

Let me know if you have room in your collective, and I will seek you out and join your party!

This is a S.O.S of sorts, as I'm looking for a spark of hope!

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Steam account: ulycarr ( The one with a flexing arm)

Steam name: The Opal Prince

Location: NA East

Age: 18

Required Communication tools: yes

I've gone through the motions and had a 24 day character, now I want to make a difference and put an end to banditry.

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Steam - crazy_carl_

Microphone - Yes

Age - 28

I've been playing DayZ for several weeks and have just gotten used to the new updates. I can now slide in and out of town avoiding zombie encounters and lose packs of zombies in an instant if I'm unlucky. I never fire my gun in town. No point to wasting a bullet on a zed.

I have had a few nice interactions with other players but I think I'm ready for a real group that I can play with regularly and trust. And who can watch my back for those that want to run me over with a truck or shoot me without saying a word.

crazy_carl_Red' date=' is that you on steam or?


Steam name: Darkspy (Look for the avatar with the squirel and a rocket launcher)

Location: California

Age: 24

Mic: Yes

Just started playing Day Z last week but I've been having a ton of fun. I have been looking for a more organized setting with a common purpose. I'd be overjoyed to become an asset for your team. I'm team oriented' date=' friendly, and enjoy long walks on zombie infested beaches.


Can't promise we are too organized but we'r getting there lol welcome.

I'm like many here; sick of being isolated and gunned down by uncivilized individuals.

Steam account: newbitect

Steam name: Yam4gata

Location: Detroit' date=' MI

Age: 30

Required Communication tools: yes

I have 60 hours of survival experience and a good understanding of the in-and-outs of survival in this game. I'm fancy myself an expert stealthy, and could assist scout/recon/loot missions to help the team.

I agree that a goal should be to obtain operable transportation and enough supplies to sustain a livable community. I also think that establishing a strong base-camp would be essential to survival.

Let me know if you have room in your collective, and I will seek you out and join your party!

This is a S.O.S of sorts, as I'm looking for a spark of hope!


Welcome, we are in the wist of organizing things now and have just started to do a few things now.

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Pacific time

Steam account TheVersatile1

IGN: Edrees

Location: California

Age: 20

Built in mic (dunno if it will work on vent)

I am actually new at this but i have been watching videos or guides to this game, however I want to play with friendlies with mics that will further make the game even fun.

Status: friendly forever (but i will kill people if they harm other friendlies) =P

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I'm new but I'm okay at the game. I'll put in work to get us vehicles and weapon stashes and stuff. I really want to play with a group because I keep getting killed trying to find someone to play the game with. My steam profile name is 'Swordsman' I think. My in game name is 'Miles'.

A little bout myself. I like first person shooters and zombie games ever since Resident Evil. I used to be good at shooting games but I haven't played a lot lately. I think I could get good at this one and be an asset.

I have a mic.

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Age: 27

Location: Kansas

Loving Dayz so far! I am a computer / gaming addict and I have finally figured out how to sustain myself, however every player I see and some that I do not see keep killing me on sight ... Backup would be a welcome amenity.

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bandit here, love sniping grouped up newbies, so i'm glad you guys are gathering in herds.

i will feast on your tears :p

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Steam name/account name: thatguycalledjames

Location: Australia, vic

Age: 17

Required Communication tools: yes (vent,mic,ts3)

So iv been hunting those bandits for awhile now, picking up a few stray people along the way and you know mostly the lone wolf kinda guy, play as a scout/sniper mostly able to do over watch for anywhere up to an hour and a half.

Clocked 85 hours on Day Z (this guy is now on his 7th day) now so im running with some you know "decent kit".

Need to join up with a team soon seeing as that seems like the most effective way to get those bandit kills :P So yea pm me or something to get started :D

P.S love to hunt rabbits :D

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Definitely very interested in joining. I've been trying to group up with other survivors since I started playing this mod, but after the bandit skins were removed it's hard as everyone seems to shoot me :(

I'm a pretty easy going guy, and I love being a medic in just about every game I play.

Steam name: Barry The Chopper (with the human avatar, not the metal suit)

Location: NA East

Age: 21

Required Communication tools: yes


Here is a link to my steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Barry_The_Chopper

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I am very interested in joining.

Been trying to group up with others for quite some time now but didnt work out well(always had a backstabber in the group). I would like to give back some love(bullets ;)) to all of those bandits out there.

Steam Name: zynamo111

Ingame Name: Fabian


Communication: yes

Location: Germany

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I am also interested!

IGN - BoMo

See you soon ...

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Some basic information first:

IGN: Tacwire

Age: 16

Location: Netherlands, GMT+1

Mic status: Barely alive, unless you like background noises and a cracked sound it's not usable.

Steam: Ragezors

Survivor stance: If they aim down the sights and show no friendly signs (the lean dance, put down gun or salute) I'd run to a new position, try it again and if they fail a second time for some reason and still try to aim at me I will take the shot.

I'm currently packed with items, mostly medical. I need a better gun ,as I'm running with a double-barreled shotgun. I am friendly and I still am in another group, but most of them quit.

I hardly rage when I die, although I do get irritated when it is easy to grab all my belongings and the team members refuse to do it.

As an anti-bandit test, you could tell me to come to an open field, drop my gun and ask me things via the Steam chat.

I look forward to your answer.

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We already have a group of five soemtimes six. We could use the extra man power if you were interested. Were pretty experienced and know where to find mostly everything and everything. We are anti bandit of course but when looting towns we are sure to inspect lonely players for trust can not be taken lightly in thisn game.

my steam user name is bnich11... add me if your interested in joining OUR alliance.

any other none talkative group will be firerd upon based on bandits in the past so dont ruin it for yourself because if one of us die we have five other people to regain our loot within ten min...

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Very interested in joining this group.

Steam account: Borris_Bullet_Dogger

IGN: Newfie Mike

Location: Newfoundland, Can

Age: 33

Required Communication tools: yes

I'm a dayZ noob (only playing three days), but really enjoy the game.


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