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Underground base! build a underground base in the forest

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Hello! i think about a cool idea is to have underground base, like you go in the forest then find a nice place and begin to dig a big base underground and have cars and stuff inside the base, and maby a runway Underground for plane to take off! like a door open and you can lift of from there! but that about building bases underground and bulding tunnels are good idea! like on minecraft. What do you think?

Edited by norsk2277

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They are going to add that feature in the DayZ Standalone if they can, but for the mod, no. I suggest poking around in the forums before posting stuff, then you would have known this.

Edited by Sm1L3y
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They are already talking about underground bases in the standalone, pay more attention.

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Does literally nobody read what Rocket says anymore? F-n A.

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Its a fucking stupid idea, but one Rockets seem to want to use. Despite it being massively out of place.

If there was caves or something you could fortify, cool. But being instanced into a underground chamber that you've somehow managed to carve out with your bare hands whilst zeds wonder about... Yeah, that works.. ffs.

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bases were already discussed a lot, they will be implemented in SA, also, use search function.

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Dig outs and cave style yes, no goldfinger type of bases, certainly not an underground landing / launching platform.

I would like also to see these hides under buildings too, like a cellar type of base! With a means to access the base for all players with the right tools. No base should be unbreakable.

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