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Question regarding lag // 1.7.1 patch

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So like many others, I lag. I first thought it was a server problem; then I downloaded the single player and quickly realized that I lag offline too.

I lag in spikes; it's not constant lag. I'll be at 40+ fps for maybe twenty or thirty seconds before dropping to under 15 fps, then back up, each time lagging worse and for longer.

Reading up on this issue, I see it is a problem caused by ArmA 2, in which it is poorly optimized.

So my question is, if the lag is a problem caused by the actual game, would I not have any other choice but to just play through the lag? How can the 1.7.1 patch reduce the lag if it has something to do with the game's optimization? Do I have to rely on ArmA 3 being better optimized?

Any help/insight is greatly appreciated.

BTW, these are my comp specs if anyone is interested...

Intel Core i7-2670QM



750GB HDD, 7200 RPM

(Lag persists through the lowest of settings)

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Same problem, lags occure with the lowest settings possible (-nosplash -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=2047 -CpuCount=4 -ExThreads=7 -world=empty)

i7 2600k @3.40Ghz

Nvidia GTX 570 Phantom

8Gb ram

2TB hard drive

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