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PC first or DayZ first?

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Should I buy a better PC or DayZ stand alone first? If I buy DayZ, I could see if the standalone will work on my current PC, and if it does, I don't have to spend extra money on a new PC. If I buy a better PC first, I could play other games and it would work fine but I might not want to get DayZ stand alone for a while. But if I do wait, I'll play a more advanced version and not have to wait for updates. So PC or DayZ first?

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I'm pretty sure the chicken came first.

Edit: Sorry, wrong thread.

Just list your current specs and maybe we could tell you,

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Sounds like if you have to question ur PC, it might be better to just get a new one. Spent over 1k on mine and its a beast sooo PC if it was me!( almost a year old now and now I feel like i should get a new computer already >< ), But yeah someone helpful will get to you :P

Edited by Mastabuds
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