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Dayzextreme.com | Private hive with whitelist | Veteran | UTC - 6 | Hosted in Europe

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We now backup the server database every 30 minutes. So data will never be lost!

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Well this was pleasant. I joined this server expecting great things and within the first 2 minutes I was banned for "duping". What was this based on? oh right on a previous server where this clan of people whom I assume now run this server had no problem killing some members of our group and we spent some times tracking them down and killing them. This was followed by relentless whining and then false accusations of duping on our behalf. The proof did not exist it was merely what they told themselves to nurse their wounded pride.

They believed that our L85's were duped. The fact is me and my friend were first on every morning at 8am GMT to ensure we got to the helicopters first, repeat this for over a week and you end up with multiple L85's from chopper crashes but they couldn't seem to comprehend this as they were too busy filling the chat with childish retorts.

I did want to join this server but I am thankful the ban came early on as they will likely ban anyone who kills them despite their "friendly" appeal for new players on the forum.

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nice post child :/

And for Trebs:

I dont know your ingame name but we dont trust anyone from 1HW our accusations were correct.

A member of your group acknowledged your plan to dupe NV Goggles and/or GPS and another one of your guys said you "accidently" duped an item.

You can deny this all you want but when we heard this we stopped playing and left the server.

Oh and about your comment on our "childish" retorts, when we confronted you with these accusations a few of you including the server admin started raging and insulting us.

Real mature.

Im sorry it went this way, but i see that our decision to leave your server was the right one.

I wish you the best of luck and please Boxter if you want to post something act your age...

Edited by Terabyte

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Well this was pleasant. I joined this server expecting great things and within the first 2 minutes I was banned for "duping". What was this based on? oh right on a previous server where this clan of people whom I assume now run this server had no problem killing some members of our group and we spent some times tracking them down and killing them. This was followed by relentless whining and then false accusations of duping on our behalf. The proof did not exist it was merely what they told themselves to nurse their wounded pride.

They believed that our L85's were duped. The fact is me and my friend were first on every morning at 8am GMT to ensure we got to the helicopters first, repeat this for over a week and you end up with multiple L85's from chopper crashes but they couldn't seem to comprehend this as they were too busy filling the chat with childish retorts.

I did want to join this server but I am thankful the ban came early on as they will likely ban anyone who kills them despite their "friendly" appeal for new players on the forum.

A friend of yours told us that you wanted to join our server with the intention of duping, as an act of 'revenge.'

As you can read from the rules of this server, duping will not be tolerated. Thus, every attempt of duping will result in getting blacklisted.

On our server, we are also trying to establish a welcoming community. From our previous experience of playing with you, we decided you don't fit into this particular type of community.

We apologize if any of this has hindered you, but we won't be changing our minds.

Thanks for giving this server a chance, though!

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A friend of yours told us that you wanted to join our server with the intention of duping, as an act of 'revenge.'

As you can read from the rules of this server, duping will not be tolerated. Thus, every attempt of duping will result in getting blacklisted.

On our server, we are also trying to establish a welcoming community. From our previous experience of playing with you, we decided you don't fit into this particular type of community.

We apologize if any of this has hindered you, but we won't be changing our minds.

Thanks for giving this server a chance, though!

I did not post that "LMFAOOOOO" in here to start an argument with you but since you wish to make something of it, i am forced to explain it.

The LMFAOOOO was aimed at the fact you got one of your own guys (admin team) to come on here and post how great your server is/was like he is a random player coming here to share his review with others /FAIL!

As for those guys who joined your server, they dont play on our server no more and are not a part of our team/group and not a part of 1HW. "Revenge" LOL! Paranoia has got you GOOD! I know who the 2 people are since they came into our Teamspeak and asked for you guys TS details (which i couldnt help them with)

As for duping on our server.... you whined like a little girl because our guys had 2 L85's after the server has been running for 10 Days and you st6art by saying this is impossible!! LOL! Now you got your own server i KNOW you now are seeing how common these weapons are at crash sites and i KNOW you now realise that its not impossible but that being said i also KNOW you wont admin your wrong but thats fine as im comforted by the fact that i knwo that you know :)

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Lol, that duping as 'revenge' thing was a frikkin' joke, since we had that whole argument about it with you guys. Womb4t you gotta stop telling them everything we joke about man! I can't believe that gets taken seriously, is that how you guys see us?

I'll say it once more to clear our name. We didn't dupe L85's and other weapons. And yes, some small shit got duped because we forgot to save the tent after we took something out of it. Unintentionally! BIG DEAL! Can you blame us? Stop using that against us man. It's the flaws in the game that made that happen. It probably happens to the majority of people that play the game, and probably also a lot of you. So you can get of your high horse. Luckily the duping bug has been fixed on our server. We are honest players trying to build a friendly and hackfree community. Just like you! (after you seen us do it)

So don't give us that bullsh#t again just because we kicked your ass badly that night! That's the real reason why you guys left our server, just admit it. You stole our UAZ, blew it up. It spawned in the same place the next day, and you took it. Isn't that some way of cheating since we are being petty? That didn't seem to be a problem. And also you took our L85's and it was no problem at all. All we heard was 'thanks for the L85's guys' ammong other smartass remarks. If we wouldn't have killed you, you would have kept them, even if they were duped in your eyes. Some of you were being smartasses the entire stay at our server. But as soon as we take our revenge we are not legit?! COMMON MAN! And it was your friend Womb4at who gave you the hardest blows of that assbeating. So IF weapons got duped, wouldn't it be him using it? Your friend who you plays with you now, on your server? I believe there is a word for that...

I'm sorry man, but you guys can't mess up our good name in public. We have been working hard to build a fair community. It's not nice to see someone calling us untrustworthy on a public forum.

Those guys you banned are not in our group/community anymore, so we are not sending in somekind of spy. They were just looking for another server, and yours looked good. So basicly we have nothing to do with this, to bad certain names had to get mentioned, of course we are gonna reply after that. That post from Trebs was not so friendly, but I understand his frustration. On the other hand I also understand your cautiousness.

Anyway, goodluck with your server, it looks nice.

My regards to Sido and Ronald.


Edited by NeeCH

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You guys keep talking about how you pwnd us. Non of you mention what happend before. Four of your guys, fully geared (all L85 and gilly suit, etc) attacked our camp. We only had some standard equipment and you didn't hit a single one of us.. Learn to shoot? Going down one by one. :)

We have/had never the intesion to ruin your good name in public. You and mates started this flame war! Oh and, we wouldn't have quit your server, until your admin B0x73r said: "Duping is part of the game". Lol wut!?

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I said that, and by that I meant what I said before, about that it happens people forget to save the tents. I think it's not a big deal that shit happens. It's because of a flaw, that is 'part of the game'. That's what I said. And I hated that flaw, I was very relieved when it was finally fixed. But you guys only hear what you wanna hear, from Wombat who goes from our teamspeak to yours. Like I said, stop taking that out of context, it's really unfair. We did nothing wrong man.

And you miss the point about that shooting. It's not about who shot who. It's about you leaving after we knocked out your entire squad, and than you blaming us for duping. You just needed that as an excuse to nurse your wounded pride. Let me tell you now, I'm a very bad shot, it's not about that. But you focusing on who shot who kind of proofs my point. It's your pride.... I know how it feels, I have it to, it's not a bad thing to admit it. Just don't accuse the one who shot you of duping, just to hide your damaged pride. But since we are going down that road; 'going down one by one'? Huh? Didn't we wipe your enire squad and vehicles after that? That kind of talk is exactly why I can't take that shit from you guys. You seem to think you are very awesome, and you are on a total flippin' high horse towards everyone else. Even after I tried to appoligise to you guys about shit going bad between us, I still got a reply like you are moraly so much better. Well f#ck that shit.

Thanks man,

ps. This wasn't a flamewar untill you called us untrustworthy.

Edited by NeeCH

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You and mates started this flame war! Oh and, we wouldn't have quit your server, until your admin B0x73r said: "Duping is part of the game". Lol wut!?

Get facts right if your going to quote people i have never said anything of the sorts till 2 days after you cried and i shall copy paste exactly what i said...

"Neech said duping was part of the game (silly thing to say i know) But its, well, kinda true. Duping is a part of the game... weather you decide to use it is another matter entirely. I don't say part of the game as in i agree with it, but unfortunately its possible to do thus a part of the game and we cant do nothing about it!

As for flamewar, what was your big mouthed zambeezie doing in our sidechat? Besides acting like a little spoilt red headed girl throwing wild accusations at the admins of duping and then coming into our TS acting like we need him in the server hahahaha ive never heard of the likes of it in my life.

Now tell me this, how do you police the "no duping" in your server? unless your as cool as me and have a custom script running then your No1 Rule is POINTLESS! now go check your logs and realise your wasting your time even checking so your theory is flawed.

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There's no point in this tiring argument. Lots of misunderstandings, piling up, leading to misinterpretations. Let's call it a day, and move on. I'm not waving the white flag here. Just making an offer.

Oh and if your custom script seems to work. Be sure to tell us that it is, in fact, possible to make such thing. But for now, i'll remain sceptic.

Edited by Shinta

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Hi guy's, this thread is for advertising a private hive, not bitching at each other like little girls. We really don't have time to moderate personal arguments so please try and moderate yourselves.

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Hi guy's, this thread is for advertising a private hive, not bitching at each other like little girls. We really don't have time to moderate personal arguments so please try and moderate yourselves.

Finally, thanks!

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Ah, calling us little girls, that's how you motivate people to be nice. :thumbsup:

Anyway, Terabyte saying 'we don't trust anyone from 1HW' is what pissed me off and caused me to nerdrage the shit out of this thread. I don't like this either, but that really got me going. So if you guys remove that and the posts after, I am willing to remove my posts.

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I didn't call you little girls. I said you were acting like little girls. Like I said, we don't have time to "clean" threads like this. If your not happy with this one, start a new one and we;ll delete this one.

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