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What needs to happen when joining a server.

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Ok, I first want to say that this game is amazing, and is the first game that is has complete immersion with me and can actually make me completely tense. If you made this a stand alone game, I would be banging at your door with money for this game, until I hit a huge crippling flaw.

While I love the fact that you have your character and inventory on each and every server, it opens up problems with cheating. Server hopping is rampant, and the amount of times I have gone around an entire area, cleared every building to see someone log in and kill me has become ridiculous. While I understand the idea of wanting to be able to join friends on any server, it opens up to bad game design due to the cheapness in the tactics it opens up. If left unchecked, it will allow a great game to be ruined by people who only want to grief and exploit the system.

So, I recommend one of the following:

1) Add a timer to your game of how long you can not use your game after relogging into the game (not logging in on a fresh respawn)*

2) Add a minimum distance you must travel before you can fire your gun after relogging into the game*

3) Remove the cross server location and inventory.

* These options would remove server hopping since the people partaking in the server hopping will be at the mercy of the zombies and anyone that comes across them.

I really hope that there is something is done to address this issue. This mod is a great idea, and a game I can finally play and get some enjoyment out of. I just would hate to see it drop the ball with something that would become so game breaking.

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