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Looking for Military/Realism Group

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I won't lie, played through my first few lives tonight; I'm about as new as they come to Arma. And it made me realize, it's ridiculous to attempt to play this alone. So I am a big military simulation guy, so I was wondering if there were any out there that were joinable. I'm East Coast US. If not, I'm really looking for any Realism Group that would be looking for a rookie. Thanks. Steam is same as my account name.

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Ah yes, I actually signed up on your forums a few days prior, however I didn't know where to go from there. xD. I'd love to join though, I appreciate the objectives CQF has set forth. And I'm about as good of a survivor as they come, Id never fire at another person (without extremely good reason). Which is partially why I need a group, my personality type doesn't fair well out in the wild.

Anyways, I signed up a few days ago, but now what? I'll join your Teamspeak server asap and add you on Steam though.

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I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you on teamspeak and such. Just give anyone who a Server Admin a poke on teamspeak and tell them to help you. They are there to help you and better not be lazy lol.

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