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Chernarus Coffee Club Private hive|100+ Cars|Expanded Map|Active admins|

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Our new DayZ Server is now up and running! We have 3 Active admins as well as the latest Anti-Hacking soft where to keep them Script kiddies away. Currently there is around 100 cars, including 4 military off-roads and 1 SUV. I will soon be expanding the map further and adding loads of modified towns/Cities:

Coming Soon:

  • Modified Kamenka spawn(Firestation, Supermarket, Hospital ETC...)
  • Modified N/E Airfield(Barracks, 2 Additional Hangers, and 3 military tents)
  • Modified Solinitchiy spawn(Supermarket, Shop etc...)
  • Modified Green Mountain(Military tent, Possibly a fire station)
  • Modified Bolota Airfield(Barracks x1(Small version), 2 Military tents)

Modified spawn load-out will be added soon:

  • Hatchet
  • Bandage (x2)
  • Painkiller (x2)
  • Cooked-meat (x1)
  • Mountain-dew Coke (x1)
  • Compass (x1)
  • Torch (x1)

Connection Information

If you are interested in joining our server the connection details are Chernarus Coffee Club ||Active Admins|Ch:0 3rd:1 OR Chernarus Coffee Club also host a Public Team-speak, Anyone is welcome to join and have a chat:

Community Changes:

Edited by Yospos
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interesting concept, Can I have server ip pm'd please

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Server ip is in the post :

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ah I missed that, cheers

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I gave this server a few runs but guys, you're doing my head in. First run I found some nice gear and a car, next login it was wiped. Teething problems, I can deal with that. Next run I set up a camp with another car, next login it was wiped. *sigh* Soon after, DayZ Commander told me the server was password locked.

I went to post in the reddit thread but it was deleted. I signed up to your own forums the other day but had no post rights. Now I'm trying to sign in and even after a password reset I'm not able to. Today I came here looking for some info in the OP which has now been edited out.

It's all been a bit erratic and off-putting.

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I don't understand why your gear was wiped, No-one else has reported any problems. As for password locking, It occurs when I do maintenance to the server or 5-10 mins before a Scheduled restart(To prevent people joining right in the middle of a restart)

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Funny, a friend has just informed me that he went to the camp location I told him, and the stuff was there. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! Will throw that one in the "it's an alpha" basket, although I must admit I've never heard of a camp disappearing then reappearing.

Thanks for the info anyway. We're going to jump on tonight; glad my gear is there as we need to undertake a rescue mission.

Any insight on the previous mentions of donation tiers? Canned, or TBA?

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More info here.

EDIT: you may need to register and wait for me to rank you up in order for you to see the posts, I am still working on the permissions

Edited by Yospos

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Thanks for the info. Just to let you know, had a good run with some mates last night but with some glitches.

I had previously logged out at Guba (a few days ago) but last night I was a fresh spawn in Elektro. Later on I had a power outage, and reconnected in debug plains. Thankfully I had a broken bone somehow, so I was able to respawn. I think there might have been an insta-death on connect at one point too.

Late in the night (11pm AEDST) when we were driving around in a fixed up GAZ, my mate (name: my-left-yarble) kept getting kicked for create vehicle restriction. The server was really laggy at this point, so I put it down to that.

My game name is Gruseaux.

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Im not sure why you are issues, No else has reported anything. As for De-bug plains, if you get stuck there again, Msg me on Teamspeak/forums and ill fix you up.

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Unfortunatly, the server will momentararily go down, The hosts of our dayz server "Tom" has been forced to shut down his company. I will not go into further detail atm. A new server will be up and running soon. For now, the old server has about 2 dayz before he shuts down the lot. map:1, CH:1 wp:1 Deathmessages:1 3rd:1 rest 0

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