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Hacker Treasure Chest!

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That's not a hidden gem, that's the kind of stuff you don't touch with a 10 feet pole unless you're ignorant and/or a douche. Furthermore, nobody ever saw that before and we really needed a clip of that.

Edit: You guys got so over-excited over hacked gear I nearly lost my breakfast.

Edited by Frop
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lol guys with a AS 50 TWS finds a hacker box .... strange finding your own box and then clame it is someone elses? oh and next time leave the box alone dupers

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So you:

a) take the satchel charges, and

B) blow that thing to kingdom come!

Even taking legit items is screwing with the balance of loot in game, especially since yr taking it onto other servers.

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"I see soldier, soldier is hacked though.."

Really? What about everything else in that box?

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Now that you have all that loot, you are gonna sit on a hill and snipe anyone who gets in your scope, going by the bandit skin and your choice of firearm. and when someone gets to close you log out and move to another server.Am I alone in thinking this is not what Dayz is about?

Edited by Vagrent

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