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Bicycle can't be repaired properly, resets to red on server reset/crash

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Date/Time: 2:15 pm, 06-15-2012

What happened: Repaired bicycle with 2 car wheels, one on front and back, instead of turning green it turned orange (But was still drivable at normal speeds)

The server then reset soon after and it was completely red and broken again (This has happened multiple times and I have saved it numerous times before these crashes, when it should be repaired to a drivable state)

Where you were: Next to my bicycle in the wilderness

What you were doing: Trying to fix my bicycle to a fully repaired state

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: NZ1

*Your system specs: i5 2500k, 8gb ram, nvidia 580 gtx

*Timeline of events before/after error: Broken Bicycle - > Repaired with 2 car wheels when it was on red, turned dark orange and became drivable at normal level - > Saved Bicycle - > Server reset - > Bicycle is back at red and not drivable.

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same problem gave it 2 tires engine and hull all barly workable, truthfully a bike sould be stronger than a car due to it not being able to achieve speeds to mess it up badly

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