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Zombie Gladiator

Stuck at Final loading screen

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We were flying by the northeast airfield when we got randomly kicked. I was piloting, and now when I try to get in to the server I get stuck at Setup Completed, please wait... I have left ArmA 2 and then rejoined and it did the same thing.

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It's not just you. More players are having the same problem including me. Once day it was fine and another day I was stuck.

I have tried everything ...... except doing fresh installation of Windows, which I'm not gonna do.

I just would like to mentioned that I'm having that issue on Villayer servers.

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I'm also having this problem.. I got it fixed for a day, but then it just went straight back.. I haven't played DayZ consistently because of problems since a few months ago.

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Also, the second time I got kicked for script restriction #19, what is that(I tried looking it up ut couldn't find it,also I wasn't using scripts, it was just BE being BE.)

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