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So why all of a sudden am I finding vehicle and sniper rifles?

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Since I started playing DayZ almost 4 months ago. I have hardly ever found any working or useable vehicles and I have hardly found any sniper rifles. But since last week end I have managed to find over 6 sniper rifles and I am a owner of 4 vehicles (on different servers). I have not changed my game play I have simply gone about my business like I always do.

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Because you got lucky. That's all any loot/vehicle is in this game, really.

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Because no one cares to hide the vehicles no more... They just get spawned out into a hackers hands anyway..

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If you're complaining, I'll take 'em off your hands

lol good finds, use them well.

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It's all about luck really me and friend were playing on some random server when we started 3 weeks ago , when the server closed we went to another one, and we own 5 vehicles and have a huge ass camp. Some day someone will find it but untill then we're having alot of fun :)

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Am not complaining am just wondering why I found all this stuff in less than 7 days, I think I figured out why I have so many sniper rifles. I found a tent in the forest. It had a sniper inside along with some ammo. The next day wile on the same server I found the same tent again in the same location. I had a look inside and to my surprise the same sniper I took from the tent yesterday in fact I still have the sniper on my back is back in the tent along with the ammo. So I take the freshly spawned sniper and ammo. When I went back a few hours later the same sniper was again in the tent with the ammo but this time with a few more things.

Again am not complaining am just wondering why the same sniper keeps respawning.

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Well, vehicles are explanatory. Less dedicated players = less large-scale camps = less hoarding. So basically more vehicles out in the open. This, as well as the fact that there are many servers nowadays that increase the amount of vehicle spawns.

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