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[21B] 21st Rangers Battalion [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

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I played DayZ for about 3-4 months with a solid 4-man team. We did well, but stopped once the bugs and hackers got to be too much to bear. Also, we hosted our own server for that period of time. I am military, as well as those that played with me. I'm interested a bit in this clan. Kinda of looking for information on it. Also, i'm pretty rusty, since I haven't played this year at all. I'd catch up fast though.

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still around est. 5th of October 2012

At the moment we are moving more towards the military simulation style and environment, we will still be on DayZ however the bulk of 21B will now be conducting missions on arma II with micro operations conducted on DayZ in order to both recruit new members and hunting bandits.

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update on clan operations on dayz for those of you who do not know

We specialise in anti bandit operations that is our first priority, we do this in a few areas......

-Setting up observation posts

-Tracking bandit activity where possible via reports and returns and by active patrolling

-Identifying hostile players and setting up a Kill On Sight list

-Communicating with the server population and working together to combat the threat

Our Second Priority is in the facilitation of helping survivors

-Setting up a medical post or rotary wing asset

-Giving transport to those that need it

-Setting up survivor bases

-helping younger survivors to better survive in the dayz world

Lastly we focus on recruitment operations

The 21st Rangers Battalion is always looking for new members in order to aid in the expansion of operations in different servers.....

We are also looking towards creating alliances with other military trained clans in the hope of establishing a coalition of hero clans so we can further our mission statement

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Hey guys Scarecrow from the 21st Infantry Battalion, we have recently gone through some administrative changes. We are now known as the 21st Infantry Battalion and are currently recruiting players once again. All are encouraged to show up. Our age limit is 15 years old however the most important thing is maturity. We've got a DayZ Epoch server up and running if you want to check it out and if you want to inquire about joining feel free to join our TS both will be provided below.


Generally every weekend we get together and either preform some high speed operations in DayZ or do some Arma2/3 missions. Right now we're a small group with the size of a single fire team but are looking to expand up to a squad, and eventually a platoon sized element. Once we get a set Squad sized element we will begin training on the weekends where we are not preforming operations. Such as


-React to Contact/Ambush


-Battle Drills (i.e. breach and clear room, or breach mine wired obstacle.)


-Weapons training


-Urban Tactics (both on the individual soldier level and a leadership level)


-Fireteam/Squad/Platoon movements



Now about our positions. We are currently looking for Joes, Grunts, Soldiers, 11 Bang bangs. We need people to fill in the empty slots in our fireteam(s) and squad(s). We need Designated Marksmen, Squad Automatic riflemen, Grenadiers, 240 Gunners and are currently looking for mounted crew members. (IE Drivers, Gunners, Truck Commanders) No experience is necessary we will train you in our tactical SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures) In our off time we are a very casual laid back clan playing a variety of games however when the time comes to put our game faces on we are a very professional and tactical clan.


Most importantly we will not tolerate an immaturity, or bullying at all. We don't like dropping the ban hammer but we will if we need to. Like I stated earlier if you have any questions feel free to PM me on this sight, or join our teamspeak.


TS3: ts3.hfbservers.com:10036




Enjin: http://www.21-b.enjin.com

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I want to share something about this clan


The 21st Rangers Battalion (now infantry battalion) engaged in a lot of operations to help out survivors and engage bandit threats. They did this on their server and on a variety of different servers, contacts or engagements ranged from 10 minutes to 6 hours but 21B always came out on top. Some of 21Bs previous operations are still on youtube and if you have a look online you ll see the professionalism and dedication this clan has. Its a close knit community and they to are getting rid of clan BS, they run a basic course as well so players can understand how to engage conventional threats and how to assist survivors. 


I implore you to talk to one of their members and ask whats it like to be a part of this clan. 

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Hey just a heads up! If you're sending messages to Cardas he's probably not going to message you back. Please message myself instead!

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Alright guys, 21b was disbanded last year around August-ish. The reason was that I was going away for 7 or so months of military training, basic and AIT etc., and the xo was busy with his own training. And we didn't really have anybody reliable enough to take over the group. But, I am back, and I am ready to get back into the gaming world, so I'll be revamping 21b with some new stuff, and probably different policies and philosophies on gaming. We are going to be delving into different games, but we will keep the arma series as one of our core games we play. I'm going to be back in a week or so and I'm gonna hit the ground running. So this is a shoutout to All the old rangers that are looking for their old home, and a call out to all the guys who are looking for a new home. Make sure yer looking for the 21b site to get back up, and I will post more details on here about our future mission.

Looking forward to it guys,


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Bumping so I can find it, and this topic is no UNDER CONSTRUCTION

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