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[21B] 21st Rangers Battalion [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

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Join these guys, they help people against bandits and they're a good bunch of guys to play with. If you like Tactical Gameplay these guys is where its at.

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21-B PVT Rott checking in ... Come lets Raid Cherno like its the Zombie Apocalypse ... you dig?


Edited by Rott

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I'm in teamspeak you colossal derp.

Get out of AFK and prepare your anus.

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Situational update on clan

The 21st Ranger Battalion is still growing strong after long and dedicated operations on our servers we have decided to move to Baloata Buddies dedicated whitelist servers to commence direct action againist

enemy bandit clans and large bandit clusters. So far we have had 1 large scale contact on intital entry followed by sucessful raids on bandits in other BB servers. The clan is in a good state at the moment and is

still seeking more members from around the world in order to rebuild civilisation and deter banditing. We have made new alliances with the 1st Battalion and 4th Recon and are reuniting military units still wanting

to create a better world for survivors. I urge you in this time to look at what we are doing on our site at the moment and see what we are doing on other servers and see the good that we are doing!

MSGT. Hawk

Chief Ground Commander

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hawk might have to update the last post....didn't take long to break cease fire unfortuantly

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Can u please pm me (easy to see a notification ) your server name and Time at which u guys play (in GMT) because I cannot search ur server in dayZ commander, I will post my details if i think i can play with a decent ping at ur server and our playtime matches..


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