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[21B] 21st Rangers Battalion [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

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We now have a second server available anyone can possibly join, it has 3 forms of anti hack protection so its much better then US 220

Edited by Whendrix502

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Applied. Hope to hear from you soon. Also, I have never played before (after posting this I'll try to play via SixLauncher or whatever it's called), if this bothers you, pm me and I'll send an application after I've played more


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An update about the clan, at the moment we are reorganizing the clan and our website this is going to take some time however i think everyone will be happy with the end result.

Some news

A redirection in our tactics, ROE/OFOF, training and operations

A new military justice system or court marshal approach towards punishments

A new rank and award structure

A restructure of current operational squads based members operating within their relevant gaming hours

For the Future

We will aim to be seen more often on servers mixing between dayz (zombie/survivor rescue/anti bandit ops) and wasteland (unconventional warefare training)

A selection course for when we reach the number we want from active squads (Im not going to put ideas down for it cause its up in the air)

SSGT. -=hawk=-

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21st Rangers Battalion is looking for dedicated members that like playing DayZ, Wasteland, and many other games. Hope to see people joining our well made website and send in applications. Thanks and I hope to see a few new recruits.

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Over 8000 views and 240 replies its good to see how we well we have progressed :)

Keep update We have now opened a new server using RMOD on dayz where we finally have the ability to use a special airborne tactics group to call in apache gunships where bandit groups have been identified. We also have the capacity to run armed convoys now something we were never able to do before the server's name is back with a new name, new map and new vehicles.






CROSSHAIRS: ON (later maybe off)



We made the change because we felt that a new map and a new look would allow for a better game and so far it has. Hackers be warned we will be doing 24/7 checks on scripts and map tps if you are identified as a hacker expect a database ban.

On another note all replies have carmed down on the recruitment thread this does not mean we are still not recieving new members it means the recruitment process is working however i encourge you if you have any questions about the battalion please post them here, via website and or pm.

Drill Sgt

SSGT -=hawk=-

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