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[21B] 21st Rangers Battalion [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

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Hi all, my friend and I want to join it, Shall we?

If you want to join us mate, then just fill out an application and we will get back to you asap.

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So, How do you get in-touch with us, because on the application form, there wasn't an email box. just wondering. Edited by Dylan98

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On the form it asks you for either your steam account, skype, or Email. Whichever you choose to put down is the one that we will use to contact you.

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Anyone thinking of joining this clan should be careful. They're poor sports and the individuals that I came into contact with on their server US 220 hardly followed even their own rules. Originally they killed me after I walked around the side of a building aiming my pistol at a zombie that was following me, they did this after I stated clearly over the chat that I was a friendly and not hostile. They insisted that I fired at them, but I wasn't even aiming in their direction. The second time I came into contact with them was when my friend Toaster and I decided to get revenge, we attacked one of their helicopters that had landed West of the Power Station in Elektro. Toaster advanced down over the hill above the power station, and I made my way across the field to the South West using the trees as cover. We decided to abandon stealth and simply sprinted at the enemy hoping to catch them by surprise and get an advantage. I only spotted a single target who had gone prone and was covering a vector facing the Power Station, so I quickly moved forward and engaged, killing him with a quick burst from my M4. Afterwards I made a really stupid mistake and got into the passenger seat of the Helicopter, not even realizing that I'd done so due to the amount of time it's been since my friend and I have played the game, or ARMA II. I was also pretty excited that we had met with such success, and so I was a little on edge and not thinking very clearly. Approximately 25-30 seconds after I entered the helicopter I was banned by a server administrator, an administrator that just happened to be part of the clan we had attacked.

At that time Toaster had made it down the hill and was watching the helicopter, before he was killed by another member of the 21B. It might also be added that him and I were sitting right next to one another the entire time this whole scenario went down. We often get together and play games on the weekend, and we had decided to revisit an old game we hadn't played in awhile. It's unfortunate that our experience came to such a halt, because we were genuinely having fun playing on 21B's server. I was banned while sitting in the helicopter because I was supposedly spotted teleporting by a few of their members. They claimed that I was using scripts. You decide.

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@Sainton first off, this is all hearsay, I do not see any evidence that supports your claims of admin abuse/ Poor sportsmanship. Secondly, our ROE clearly states that any 21B member is clear to engage a target if he feels threatened by said target. Third, I am very sorry your time on our server ended so harshly, If you want to discuss the ban in more detail please PM me instead of posting on our clan recruitment and server threads.



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Can I get unbanned, plus the password? I was having a ton of fun on this server with Dolaaa, and I don't know why I got banned in the first place. Just says Admin Ban.

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Rectal, I had clear evidence that you teleported to NW Airfield, In such, I banned you, If you show me clear evidence of you running straight to NW airfield after you may have spawned please show it. Thanks and have a happy New Year

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Due to the massive amounts of hackers on the server we have resulted into a password protected server. Please click on the link if you would like to be apart of 21B's Server which is being constantly updated with more and more buildings and non DayZ loot spawns, hope to see the server fill up quickly with a player base whom do not hack :)

SERVER APPLICATION: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/114800-us-220-with-21b-password-protected/

Edited by Whendrix502

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Whendrix, I did not Teleport to NWAF at all. I was there with my friend Dolaaa and Wi, we had all walked there from the coast. I do not hack, nor do I have any idea on how to hack. I dont know what kind of proof I can provide aside from friend testimony.

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Rectal, I believe you died and ran your ass back up to NW, If I see you hacking then I will ban you and your friends. Please PM me your IP address so I can un ban you.

Edited by Whendrix502

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Rectal, I believe you died and ran your ass back up to NW, If I see you hacking then I will ban you and your friends. Please PM me your IP address so I can un ban you.

Oy, less cursing please.

BTW, AWOLNATION is an awesome band. just throwing tht out there.


Edited by Cardas
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You guys will be contacted shortly, and you will be contacted by whatever form of communication you left in the application.

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Whendrix said I was unbanned, but I am still getting kicked off the server. Anything else you need from me?

I'm not sure, try and pm whendrix and see if he has fixed the ban yet.

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