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[21B] 21st Rangers Battalion [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

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Tell whendrix to stop looking at his admin map all the time, its called cheating

If you're going to discuss a ban, or how the admin is acting, PM the person.

just sayin

Edited by H2whoa

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We have a teamspeak server, And I'm sure he would be happy to hear from you mate.

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Do you actually* "get back to people" if they don't make it? Because believe it or not that really annoys a person when they say they'll get back to them and they don't make it but the people they applied for never got back to them.

Edited by reeddreed

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Do you let "get back to people" if they don't make it? Because believe it or not that really annoys a person when they say they'll get back to them and they don't make it but the people they applied for never got back to them.

Well, If you are who I think you are we did contact you. What is your in game name you used for the application?

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I was purely asking a question. My IGN: as of this moment is: Luke

Also another question I had was how the notification was sent to you. Via E-Mail or Steam? Skype even?

Edited by reeddreed

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Aright, nbd dude. We contact everybody who applies. If you end up deciding that you don't fit in with our group then you are free to leave whenever. But if you are a tool then we will just Kick you. But yea, we contact everybody at least once mate.

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Aright, nbd dude. We contact everybody who applies. If you end up deciding that you don't fit in with our group then you are free to leave whenever. But if you are a tool then we will just Kick you. But yea, we contact everybody at least once mate.

Alright thank you for responding to this in a professional way I respect that.

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I remember giving my usernames to things like steam and skype. I was wondering what your method for contacting people.

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I remember giving my usernames to things like steam and skype. I was wondering what your method for contacting people.

Depending on the form of contact we will either email you, or just invite you on skype or steam and try to catch you when yer on. If yer consistently not on we might forget about you, because we already moved on to someone who is online and is wanting to talk to us. Its happened a couple of times where people just won't answer our messages like the day after they sent in an application.

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Hows it going any 21st Rangers Battalion applicants or any other player who would like to join. We are currently training all of our players based on the facts via the DayZ Standalone. If you are waiting for an application to be responded to please be patient, we are trying very hard to get to all applications. We are a very busy clan and we are all trying to contact anyone who applies ASAP.

Edited by Whendrix502

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