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[21B] 21st Rangers Battalion [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

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Wow! I absolutely love the way this is set up.

It sounds so good to me, i'm reinstalling my arma 2 and op. arrowhead.

Will be sending an app soon!

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Alright, so yesterday we had clan in our server who I thought was friendly but it turns out they were total tools. They recently spammed our side chat accusing us of abusing our server powers, and they managed to convince about 20 people of leaving our server completely. Then they posted a video where they blew all our stuff up. Losing the stuff doesn't really matter to me, because its DayZ, I can always find more. Here's a little backstory on these guys, they came in to the server and quickly managed to get their bandit skins, how they did this, I don't know. I don't know if it was self defense, or if they legitimately were going around banditeering. But my guys confused the skins with KOS, KOS, KOS!!! So naturally they hunted down the bandits and attacked them, managed to kill all of them with some casualties, and take their suv they were working on. This clan began to spam side chat with their trolling remarks about how "they were innocent" and "*sob* we didn't do it *sob*". So, naturally, I tell them that I will ban them if they don't shut up. I cool off and I get in a good enough frame of mind to actually GIVE THEM THE SUV BACK. Later the next day a hacker comes in and screws everything up. Somehow their guys get perma knocked out and BEG me to help them somehow. So I grab a few epi pens out of me tent, and I go save them. They then BEG me to use my admin powers to rollback the server and give them all of their lost stuff back. I say no. Over the next few days they consistently BEG me to benefit them somehow with my admin powers, be it a vehicle or weapons. Again, I say no. And then they have the nerve to freaking post a video saying that I abuse my Admin Powers?? WTF?? Anyways, these tools have gone by a couple of different tags, both {TG}, {AH}, and { >:(}. Sorry for the long post/rant guys. Peace, and have a good night.

Edited by Cardas

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i posted a app i am 15 (but mature and i use teamspeak) i have no gear right now

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When are we to expect a reply from our application on Steam?

If not immediately then it will only take a few days for our RO's to respond

Edited by Cardas

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So I was playing on the 21B (21st Rangers Battalion) DayZ Private Server (US 220)

Was not given a warning, was not given a reason. A friend of mine that I was playing with probed about my banning.

Apparently I was banned because I felt "entitled" to things.

You know, like the items that I found, looted, and scavenged.

A hacker appeared on the server and spawned everyone and lots, if not every, vehicle to a certain spot. I logged to avoid dying and losing my items and logged back in to be spawned outside of Elektro with my items still in tact. But my vehicle was gone. This was around 9:35 PM EST. Several hours later, after my friend and I had found vehicles and started our scavenging adventure again, the server restarted (supposedly to fix the damage caused by the hacker). We logged back in to find our Vehicles and items gone AGAIN after being told that restarts DO NOT reset vehicles. Now, I complained about the incompetence of the admins in dealing with this situation. The admins respond to dissenters and complaints by ignoring them. Server progression and maintenance is clearly their priority. My friend argued and debated with the admins for a very long time and was finally told that I would be unbanned. I was not.

He was then banned.

Point out incompetence and they respond in the most childish manner.

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