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[21B] 21st Rangers Battalion [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

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Applied :D, going to play in server right now anyways.

Hah aright, thts cool man. we'll look at your application and contact you shortly.

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Hey there guys, I've applied and i'm eagerly awaiting your response :) But in the mean time i'd like to play with you guys on a server, just so you can get to know my play-style better. What is your server name if i'm going off the 6 Launcher? I've tried the US 62 and I've come up fruitless. Many thanks JoyceY :)

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Hey there guys, I've applied and i'm eagerly awaiting your response :) But in the mean time i'd like to play with you guys on a server, just so you can get to know my play-style better. What is your server name if i'm going off the 6 Launcher? I've tried the US 62 and I've come up fruitless. Many thanks JoyceY :)

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Hey there guys, I've applied and i'm eagerly awaiting your response :) But in the mean time i'd like to play with you guys on a server, just so you can get to know my play-style better. What is your server name if i'm going off the 6 Launcher? I've tried the US 62 and I've come up fruitless. Many thanks JoyceY :)

Well, you can search either US 220, or Whendrix502, and that should bring up the server man.

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Well, you can search either US 220, or Whendrix502, and that should bring up the server man.

Much love :) also is there a teamspeak for you guys?

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Much love :) also is there a teamspeak for you guys?

Yup, if you filled out the app then someone will contact you and give you the ts info.

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Scarecrow this is Ranger X-Ray what is your position? over

Ranger X-Ray, this is Scarecrow I am at Grid 698439 over

Scarecrow, Ranger X-Ray Roger. Kris what is your position? over

Break, Break, Ranger X-Ray this is Scarecrow we have a causalty at Grid 670440 requesting med-evac over.

Scarecrow, Ranger X-Ray Roger, one med-evac truck inbound move causalty to the road 50 meters North of your position Med-evac in 4 minutes. over

Ranger X-Ray, Scarecrow, Roger out.

Kris, Ranger X-Ray what’s your position over?

This makes me laugh. Who talks like this? This outfit reminds me of when I was 12 wanting to play Army...

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This makes me laugh. Who talks like this? This outfit reminds me of when I was 12 wanting to play Army...

Dreygar, if it has nothing to do with 21B recruitment then please withold your comments. That is simply a scenario that our XO came up with on the fly. The most important thing you can take from that scenario is the "BREAK BREAK". If comms is full of chatter and something important happens, you need to say "BREAK BREAK" followed by the situation, and if you follow that with "CONTACT", you then need to give the 3 D's, "Direction, Distance, and Description". When we started this "outfit", we had 2 military guys, and this is what was most comfortable for them and it made the most sense to use the current system rather than try and learn something new. Our goal isn't to be original, it's to have fun. And like I said in one of my previous posts, we find the most fun in a paramilitary style clan. If this doesn't suit you, then go find some other clan to roll with.

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Hey guys how you doing I'm Ra1sin Toast from US 220 (if that is your server). I was playing on it today and stole one of your choppers. Some guy was complaining about how if I did not return it I would get banned though the others in your clan said I would not get banned. Well in the end after a hacker killed the server I did get banned. Please let me know why you banned me as I believe I did nothing wrong. I found you and your 5 chopper without hacks so why did I get banned?

Hello Rasin,

I just read this post and I am 100% certain you are talking about me.

The only reason I threatened you would get banned was to get the intimidated effect from you. 21B would never ban you for something like that. I was hoping my other teammates would understand where I was going. However, this was not the case as they quickly replied you would not get banned and I received a stern telling off. It was a great manouvre you pulled off and we will learn from this. By the way, I am a beginner to pc gaming, dayZ and the clan so I would have no authority to ban you.

Yours sincerely


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Just applied. Hope you accept. I should be able to fill all four roles on the application list. Sniper being my worst ( least practiced ) but I checked it because I can still perform overwatch.

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Just applied. Hope you accept. I should be able to fill all four roles on the application list. Sniper being my worst ( least practiced ) but I checked it because I can still perform overwatch.

We will be in contact shortly. :)

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Wondering how you will contact me? Here or my Email?

However you left your contact information in the application.

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Are there opportunities for advancement? If so, how does that work?



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I can get this game on christmas, ill be new to this but i got most controls down and how to survive. I dont like killing people unless i have too, im like a co-op kinda guy. We can communicate through skype or something. Is there a base that this clan hangs out at.

Edited by I love haters50

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Are there opportunities for advancement? If so, how does that work?



Well, right now we're still working on putting our companies together. As it is right now we don't have enough active players consistently to setup some sort of ranking system. But once we have a dedicated player base we will be working on putting some form of rank and recognition together.

I can get this game on christmas, ill be new to this but i got most controls down and how to survive. I dont like killing people unless i have too, im like a co-op kinda guy. We can communicate through skype or something. Is there a base that this clan hangs out at.

You won't have to kill too many people hopefully. And as long as you submit an application I look forward to working with you guys. :D

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I have applyed on the website and really looking forward to playing with you all. Im so tired of getting ganked by bandits and other survivors for my awesome loot that takes me 2 days to get. Please get back to me ASAP it would be a pleasure to play with you all.

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