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Stuck in loading screen

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Same issue here, it has made me pre order warz, and also play on private hives, and I never wanted to do either of those things ;P. I'm very curious if u can join 'theroadkill' (killers?) a panthera server, only actual server I've been able to join and I've tried well over 20. Please try if u don't mind as it could end up helping both of us.

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Same problem from what I've found by testing it when I join servers that its related to Battleye not responding.

That might only go for me though.

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I am able to join alomst any server if my character is dead(i.e brings up "select your gender" screen, but still not all. Have ran 6 updater and also reinstalled everything except for arma 2, still no go. And Quantic, clearly your ignorant to the fact that from what i've seen there hasn't been one solution which has helped me, or apparently Stormandel either, but now you know.

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