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Stuck in Unconscious State after Dying

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Date/Time: May 6, 2012 at 2 p.m (server time should be around the same, it was afternoon)

What happened: stuck in unconscious (hour glass)

Where you were: elektrozavodsk

What you were doing: running away from zombies and died in the shed

*Current installed version: 1.5.4

*Server(s) you were on: NY4

*Your system specs: amd 965, evga 560 classified, win7, playing from steam

*Timeline of events before/after error: After dying and going to the playerlist, I log back on but I'm in unconscious and stuck there. This happened to me once already but there was someone to kill me. This time, theres no one and I don't know exactly where I am in elektro because I am running from zombies. Can an admin port to me and kill me please?

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I had the same thing. Happened at 3pm GMT. I was in the apartments behind Chernogorsk. I got mobbed by a large pack of zombies. After I died and logged back in, I was stuck on the ground with massive damage and unconscious (hour glass). I had a friend next to me who noticed I spawned a double of my body, tried to heal me as I was bleeding out still and gave me all the medical help that should have brought me back. I was full health and ready to come back up but still the hour glass was full and wouldnt change. I tried removing the whole game and reinstalling every thing. Still stuck on the ground no matter what server I join. If I had to guess what went wrong, I would say that I died before I was actually dead. The server is stuck between thinking Im dead and fully registering that I am actually dead. So its in a loop, wont let me die but wont let me restart as alive. Maybe due to large amounts of damage from the zombies all at once. Registering all the damage but maybe not keeping up with it at the same time.

Date/Time: May 6, 2012 at 3pm GMT

Where you where: Apartments at the back of Chernogorsk (near hospital)

What you were doing: Being killed by large(10-15) mob of zombies inside the apartments

Current installed version: 1.5.4 (update to 1.5.5 with same problem)

Server you were on: USA1 (Im in Australia with a ping of 280~, which might make keeping up with the large amount of registered damage a problem?)

Your system specs: Intel 930, 6 gig ram, GTX 560 TI 2gig, Win7 and running through steam

Timeline of events before/after error: Mobbed by zombies and "died". Load again to be almost dead on the ground, someone tried to and did fully restore me but still stuck with hour glass on the ground.

Could I please have my character reset to a save 12pm GMT or full reset so I can at least start again.

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What happened: stuck in unconscious (hour glass)

Where you were: Bor

What you were doing: running away from zombies and died in a field

*Current installed version: 1.5.5

*Server(s) you were on: I can't remember

*Your system specs: intel 2500k, evga 560ti, 8 gig of ram, win7, playing from steam

*Timeline of events before/after error: After dying and going to the playerlist, I log back on but I'm in unconscious and stuck there. Nobody is around to kill me. I reset would be much appreciated.

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Date/Time: 09.05.2012

What happened: After getting killed by a zombie i got stuck on hourglass screen

Where you were: i have no clue

What you were doing: shooting at the zombie then fainted

*Current installed version: 1.5.6

*Server(s) you were on: cant remember

*Your system specs: intel core i7 3.4ghz 8gb ram Win7

*Timeline of events before/after error: Got attacked by a zombie, fainted, reconnected to a different server, got up, moved to another place got attacked again, got the message You were killed or whatever it is, reconnected to another server - stuck on hourglass

pls reset me :(

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Guys there is fix for this. You just need someone to come over and pop a shot into your body and then you will bleed out. In the mean time, there is no other way of fixing it other then having you character data reset (I asked for this 4 days ago and nothing, but lucky I had a friend shoot me).

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Date/Time: May 10th

What happened: mobbed by a group of zombies and bleed to death

Where you were: stary sobor

What you were doing: was looting in a shed, when a mob of zombies attacked me, managed to kill them all, but bleed to death

*Current installed version: 1.5.6

*Server(s) you were on: one of the named east coast us servers

*Your system specs: intel core i5 3.5ghz, 8gb ram, Win7

*Timeline of events before/after error: fought off a zombie group, bled to death, reconnected to a different server, greeted with a frozen hourglass and was unable to do any actions, (hit escape, chat etc.), i could only kill the game process.

Is there a way besides having somebody else kill you to fix it, like somehow resetting my character data?

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Date/Time: May 10th

What happened: Got killed by a bandit, went to respawn, was stuck unconscious with max blood and a non-moving hourglass. Slowly bled to death. Happened 4 or 5 times before I finally respawned somewhere else.

Where you were: The hill overlooking the Elektro power plant.

What you were doing: I had headed to the power plant to look for supplies. After finding a sniper rifle and some ammo, I saw a bandit in the window, so I went downstairs to hide. Graphics card started crapping out as it sometimes does, grey boxes/triangles everywhere, so I reconnected to the server. Ended up getting bugged and spawning outside of the power plant, new rifle and all, away from the bandit. Headed up to the hill, bandit shot me, then the problem came.

Current installed version: 1.5.6

Server(s) you were on: US1, has happened before with a different server.

Your system specs: AMD Radeon HD 6870 1GB, 8GB RAM, AMD Phenom II X4 965

Timeline of events before/after error: See above, tl;dr disconnected, reconnected, bugged spawn in old location, ran a bit, got killed.

Not sure if it's been mentioned before, but buttons don't do anything when this happens, save for the windows key, alt+tab and the Steam overlay. This means no escape menu to respawn and no way to disconnect.

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Happened to me too. Would anyone be interested in helping meout ?

My body is a few blocks from the big church, I think it's in Cherno? If anyone feels like helping, please respond here after entering a server, so I could follow and be put out of my misery.

Anyone? :P



I was in pretty bad shape, when someone shot me. I was -4000, and it said that I was dead. But when I rejoined, I'm about +1000 (and still am.) Maybe it happens when you go too much on the minus side?

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update: lost connection, hour glass went back to 0 progress after having made about 5% progress after an hour of waiting. Food & water back to green. tic-toc, tic-toc.. :D

/ zombies need to be hungrier

Problem solved.

Joined a (3rd) server and after about 10 minutes it gave the 'you are dead' screen.

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Date/Time: 5/11/2012 / 12:14 AM EST

What happened: Killed by a mob of zombies

Where you were: in a small town on a door step

What you were doing: getting gear

*Current installed version: 1.5.6

*Server(s) you were on: US3

*Your system specs: I7 8 gigs of ram

*Timeline of events before/after error: Killing Zombies

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Date/Time: May 11th 2:00 pm

What happened: stuck in unconscious (hour glass)

Where you were: elektrozavodsk

What you were doing: Being killed by a bandit

*Current installed version: 1.5.4

*Server(s) you were on: NY2

*Your system specs: Amd 955 x4, gtx 470, win 7

I'd really like to be reverted to a save or just reset. Thanks.

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Same error here..

Player name: Malic

Server: any and all, i have jumped between all low population servers so i know it will load to try to find something that will reset it

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Same error:

Player name mercy

server dunno, I tried to change servers...

update: my water lvl seems flashing red...I'll wait maybe I die

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Date/Time: 5/12/12 7:31PM EST

What happened: stuck in unconscious (hour glass)

Where you were: elektrozavodsk

What you were doing: Being killed by a player

*Current installed version: 1.6

*Server(s) you were on: Atlanta 1

I'd really like to be reverted to a save or just reset. Thanks.

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Date/Time: May 15th 20:00pm

What happened: stuck in unconscious (hour glass)

Where you were: Mogilevka

What you were doing: Chased by Zombies, got the you are dead screen

*Current installed version: 1.5.7

*Server(s) you were on: Chicago 8

*Your system specs: Intel i7 2.93 , AMD 5770, win 7

And chance of a reset?

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this bug is actually much worse and needs IMMEDIATE attention.

90% of the time when i die. I abort, disconnect and ok. and spawn where i was JUST BEFORE I DIED. i HAVE THE SAME ITEMS, AND THE SAME BLOOD as i had before any fatal wounds are inflicted. Sometimes i get said "HOURGLASS" but it ticks down VERY slowly and eventually i can get back up and continue.

Here is where the PROBLEM is.

I can walk over to my OLD body, and LOOT it. While i still have the items i HAD before i died.

meaning my entire INVENTORY is DUPLICATED.

This is bad for several reasons.

1. Two or more players are capable of duplicating one players entire inventory, until eventually player "Stays dead" (I have not done this personally as i am solo, but i have spawned near my old bodies and picked up massive ammounts of ammo.)

2. This DRAMATICALLY Increases downtime, because if you spawn next to your old body with 1k blood, you are pretty much dead again, forced to follow the same loop until you "STAY DEAD"

3. The fucking Hourglass. This is a continuation of point 2 but waiting 5 minutes to spawn, with 500 blood, and then to die, an then wait to load, and then maybe wait for hourglass, and then maybe wait to die again is RIDICULOUS!.

4. Added more items into game then neccisary. If i am killed by bandit and respawn in the same location, (IT is ALWAYS) relative to your death, i am feeding my murderer zounds of loot, or any random person wandering into the scene.



This has happened all over 10 servers.

Version 1.5.7

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Hello, I have this glitch too. I appear to be spawning in different places from time to time but I immeaditly drop and it shows the hour glass not moving. I apparently have broken bones and poor water sitiuation and low blood. Also I cant do anything on screen. Cannot chat, leave game anything, in order to quit I need to alt f4. Ive even tried making a new character profile but that doesnt work either. How can I fix this?

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My brother is also stuck in this state and I'm yet to find and kill him. Can you reset player data for him? His ingame user is either Wayne or MonkeyWayne. If you need SteamID please pm me.


15/05/2012 around 11pm GMT


various, to try and fix issue somehow. Most likely a Chicago 4,6,7. Virginia server, EU 11.

What Happened:

chased by zombies, fell down and unconscious from lack of blood and died when zombies ate me.

Where you were:

Shakova/Waxoba on the main road heading north.

Current installed version:


System Specs: i7 3930k, 32gb Ram, GTX 580

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Same thing happened to me

Date/time: 17/5/12 1:19am

Server: Seattle

What happened: fell down broke my leg got eaten by zeds.

Where you were: Charn

Current installed version:


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well happened to me the same thing... just try to spam respawn...all the time like 10-15 times, try it on different servers, i usualy take some low ping servers and just spawn,spawn,spawn,spawn....no wait. when the number gets to 10 deaths, then just wait till u spawn normaly.

it helped me alot of times

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Same problem with me! Help!

Name: BmB

What happened: stuck in unconscious (hour glass)

Where you were: Staruy Sobor

What you were doing: Chased by Zombies, got the you are dead screen

*Current installed version: 1.5.7

*Server(s) you were on: RU

*Your system specs: Intel Quad , GTX295, win 7

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Name: Spinager(main)

What happened: stuck in unconscious (hour glass)

Where you were: Cherno

What you were doing: Chased by Zombies, got the you are dead screen

*Current installed version: 1.5.7

*Server(s) you were on: US Hardcore (usually 2)

*Your system specs: i5 2400 , Sapphire HD 6870 , win 7

*If anyone can kill me please let me know. We can have this killing date on Saturday 26 of May 2012 9am Pacific Time please I will try to get into a hardcore server since those do not fill up as quick. I will update this post with the server on that day. Since this is the only way out of this bug and I can not chat during the game I would greatly appreciate this*


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Name: Steve Durden

What happened: Stuck in unconscious (hour glass), and can't respawn or hit any keys.

Where you were: Somewhere on the road to Cherno

What you were doing: Gunfight with some guy

*Current installed version: 1.5.7

*Server(s) you were on: NY (by Robert something)

*Your system specs: Intel Core i-3-370M, ATI 5650, win 7

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RE: Stuck in Unconscious State after Dying

Name: Justin Binning (Mordayn)

What happened: Stuck in unconscious (hour glass), and can't respawn or hit any keys.

Where you were: Kamenka

What you were doing: Killed by a mob of Zombies

*Current installed version: 1.5.7

*Server(s) you were on: US2

*Your system specs:ATI Radeon 5800 series, win 7

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Date/Time: May 5 2012 6pm

What happened: stuck in unconscious (hour glass)

Where you were: Pustoshka

What you were doing: running from a mob of zombies got killed in field

*Current installed version: 1.5.4

*Server(s) you were on: Uk7

*Timeline of events before/after error: After dying i couldn't move and get stuck

Could someone kill me i have quite a lot of supplies or could i get a character reset

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