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Found 2842 results

  1. Publik

    Freeside Whiners

    [HSO] was banned for using a modified tree file, allowing them to see/fire through trees. You were not banned for ghosting, although you're pathetic for doing so. We have logs and video of the server messages (available on request/after render), have a nice day. Edit: "Player [HSO] Excisionz: Wrong signiture for file ca\plants2\tree\t_picea2s.p3d"
  2. My entire clan was banned from Seattle 104 Freeside server for apparently ghosting even thought are clan is a non ghosting/disconnecting clan. We attacked Devils Castle i killed 2 of them died and then i was accused by one of the members for ghosting (He spawned where i spawned). Anyway afterwards they banned me and my clan who were still at the castle. Ive heard stories before of these types of things happening on the freeside server.
  3. Playing with a group of friends , in Stary and I killed get , friends kill these guys , after they abort and come back 2 times , and last guy ghost to kill us , turns out when I go back to Stary the group has a hacker in the group , and he teleports to the middle of the field , shoots once misses , and then shoots once more and I get shot through the hill? Through it , on server Us 241 , go check the logs , ban them for ghosting , aborting , and cheating , thank you very much.
  4. *Regulator* Insaner

    For those looking for a different way of playing

    After reading the original thread made by you Oldtribe, I couldn't help but smile. The idea alone is something that suits me and appeals to me, however I do agree with the people asking to do this on a certain server as it would be easier to get 1 server 'safer' then spread over maybe 5 servers. But I do have a few questions though, being: 1. What will the TAG be? 2. Whats policy towards people who try to KoS(and perhaps kill one of ours) but are in fact just scared players that felt threatened and shot as mere protection? 3. How do we handle whole gangs of bandits paying us a visit? I can imagine a 'safe®' haven, be like honey to bears in terms of certain bandits just looking to come and stir things up and/or possibly destroy entire camps trough the means of ghosting. Should we ride out to their servers(if we could determine it) in a true posse style to go and serve justice? 4. Is there a website somewhere(like a Enjin one or something else)? 5. Would there be voicecom avaiable, because coordinating a thing as this does require voicecom.(as I have a personal TS3, but I have only 2 or 3 slots left) Regards Insaner
  5. Actually that is wrong, but it depends where you get your definitions. This is what I know it as Ghosting, or "to ghost" is The act of one or more dead players spectating an alive enemy player, with the intent of revealing his or her actions or location to their alive comrades, giving them an unfair situational advantage. This is achieved usually through a voice chat program, such as Ventrillo, or an IRC client. http://www.urbandict...ting video game I knew all of these terms from a long time ago, been playing since dune2/doom and other DOS games.
  6. hordeslicer

    A NEW DAWN Hospital and food bank

    I helped out with Fort Friendly and Fort Haven. Ghosting became a serious problem but with your rules it might not be to bad. I would love to guard and I'm almost always on. http://dayzmod.com/f...ial-experiment/ EDIT: Just saw the last post.
  7. GhostHawx1

    I had no idea where to put this.

    so stick to one server, i do. and if it reads me wrong, yet i only play on one server three four hours a day, then i tell the admin and get it fixed. they can check back forever in the logs. once or twice is not suspicious behaviour. this is what you do. get on a populated server, hide like most do and hit P on keyboard. watch the ones who dc and ghost and play avoidance. theyll have a lil blue box when in game, white when not.just watch them in and out avoiding aggro, pvp, ghosting. if they get banned scew them. i die too much to care, and i kill them to my delight. But yeah yer right on everything else. tree broke my legs and killed me while crawling through treeline above elektro. i died at the fire station like that before. its a mod. we play it cuz we like it. adrenaline rush from hitting a cow at 847 yards with a as50? oh yeah, and praying someone goes near the cow? yup. itll all get fixed, just avoid the dangerous behaviour, heroin, ladders, believing theres a friendly in cherno, hulk boss castle zombies....have fun
  8. ZomboWTF

    Pending Update: Build

    never actually saw the 5 seconds timer work, also jumping into cover and clicking abort then 5 sec till complete safety is still way too easy if the 5sec timer WOULD work i always just see people instantly disappearing when they hear a shot next to them, not taking 5 seconds to logg out, if you can prove otherwise, show me alt+f4ing is one of the most annoying things in the game, along with unlimited ammo and ghosting
  9. ZomboWTF

    Pending Update: Build

    well, if this login timer actually works the way that other players allready can see and shoot you while you are not able to do anything yet, that would prevent ghosting an make server hopping way more dangerous, but alt+f4ing would be still the best tactic if under attack by zombies or players
  10. again I say it. make non-use of 3rd party comms voluntary in a code of conduct/eula. No spyware. If I am a server admin and someone complains to me about players ghosting/ using alt comms s/w, I can go into observer mode and observe their group. Coordinated behaviour with zero evidence of how that communication is being achieved in game would be retardedly easy to observe and thence punishable as cheating. Admin records evidence with FRAPS. Make that punishment appealable. In my experience sim enthusiasts are more than willing to go the extra mile for realism and don't deliberately attempt to circumvent the sim environment. obviously, fixing the in game VON, adding a whisper/speak/shout and radio facility would be paramount to it's success.
  11. Yeah it's an exploit, but there is no way to stop ghosting via team speak. What are you gona do. Have the stand alone monitor if the user is using external voice coms and then not let the game run if the player is. Can you imagine the support calls this would cause. "Waaaaa Day Z broke my ventrillo, Waaaa this is spyware, Waaaaa I'm gona sue!" Unfortunately ghosting is a part of multilayer gaming and its not going to go away. At the end of the day you can only make the game so realistic. Its not real life and no amount of coding is ever going to make it truly real. If you want to feel what its like to engage in squad combat without being in the army and putting you life on the line try paint bail or simunition. Its as close as your going to get without risking eating a bullet. :D
  12. salgor

    Pending Update: Build

    Make it so a Character is locked to server Then you dont have to give a shit about ghosting , combat loggers Server hoppers.
  13. dev0

    Solution for Alt-F4 and Server Hopping

    As Dean himself stated multiple times on interviews, server hopping, ghosting and Alt+F4'ing are serious disruptions to the DayZ game play. They neither add to the authenticity of the game nor do they help building emergent game play. And in fact Dean is going to try fix those problems in an upcoming patch most likely using cool downs on server switching and maybe even killing players who repeatedly server hop, ghost or Alt+F4. The OP has a point here and telling him to "die" is certainly not good manner. While I agree with the OP and Dean, that there is a problem, I do not agree if either of their solutions. In my eyes the OP's solution is much too technical. Specifying different log out rules based on radius on loot locations is neither easily understandable nor does it tie into the "No Rules" theme of the game. Dean's cooldown solution suffers from a similar problem. Introducing cool downs and maybe even killing player characters when hopping servers also introduces rules, which again is a contradiction to what Dean repeatedly stated he was trying to aim for with DayZ. Also, adding a reconnection cooldown will not really help fixing Alt+F4 scenarios. So I would like to provide a counter proposal to these solutions which I believe ties better into the golden rule of "There are no rules", as well as providing an authentic mechanism which is believeable and fixes all of the listed problems. I propose to introduce a log out "ritual". Log out rituals are very common in MMOs and help preventing similar scenarios in other games. A log out ritual requires a player to undertake a certain "ritual" or activity which will then allow him to seamlessly log out. For example, in World of Warcraft you have to sit down and wait for a timer of a couple of seconds to elapse before you can log out seamlessly. In other games you might have to do a prayer, visit a tavern, sleep in a bed or similar. If the player does not undertake the ritual and drops out of the game by e.g. either Alt+F4 or loosing the connection, then he his character will remain in-game for a couple of minutes before he actually disappears. During this time, he is especially prone to PVE and PVP attacks. While a player is still able to Alt+F4, he will most likely not want to do it, because he will leave his avatar helpless. How could such a ritual be implemented in DayZ? There are two aspects to it. First there is a technical aspect and second there is a roleplay / authenticity aspect to it. From a technical standpoint an implementation could look like follows. Numbers are suggestion and can and probably should be adjusted: To log out seamlessly a player needs to perform a log out ritual. The ritual should take between 10 and 20 seconds, require a certain amount of space and maybe a special tool or item, be clearly visible when performing, and should only be possible in the outside. The actual ritual implementation should reflect these "rules" in an authentic way, so they do not appear as rules, but as a limitation coming from the nature of the ritual. If a player logs out using the ritual, he is free to reconnect to any server at any time. If a player fails to perform the ritual, when disconnecting, his character will drop unconscious for about 2 to 5 minutes. He will remain lying helplessly at the spot until a) either the time passes at which he will despawn and finally be disconnected or the player reconnects on the same server, which will bring the character back immediately or c) the character dies. For as long as the unconscious avatar remains present in the world, the player will not be able to connect to any other server than the one with his unconscious avatar. Only when his avatar despawns or dies he will be able to connect to another server (or the same sever again, for that matter). If the character dies while lying unconscious the player will get the death message the next time he connects and will be prompted to create a new character from there. There are several options for a ritual implementation in DayZ. Two I think are especially compelling, because they provide a authentic reason for the rules I setup for the ritual before. Both are simply suggestions and the form of the ritual actually isn't very important as long as it provides authentic reason for the specified rules set. So take these as suggestions. Maybe you can come up with your own ideas. Sleep in a tent To be able to log out seamlessly you will have to sleep in a tent. This requires you to either find a tent already setup or to find a tent yourself and set it up on the server you which to log out from seamlessly. Setting up a tent takes some time, requires space and is not possible inside of buildings. Also, since tents are rather rare and bound to the server where they are setup you will most likely not be willing to carry one around with you and use it to log out whenever you feel like it. Note though, that you will be able to disassemble it and take it with you again, if you log into the same server again. Setting up a tent in a combat situation is not really feasible and since it is bound to the server you log out from, you cannot use it for server hopping. While ghosting you could setup a tent, sleep in it, log in to another server, flank an opponent, log out there without a tent, receive the unconsciousness penalty, wait a couple of minutes to reconnect to your original server and then flank your opponent. This however will take some time. Also, while you are ghosting, your opponent will have the chance to spot the tent and figure out what is going on. While you are setting up the tent and while you are unconscious on the other server, you expose yourself to great risk, making this strategy basically unprofitable. Sitting at a camp fire The other scenario I would like to propose is sitting at a camp fire. To able to log out seamlessly, you would have to set up and light up a camp fire and sit at it for 10 to 20 seconds. When disconnected, the camp fire will burn out, but the fire place itself will remain. To do this you will require matches as well as either an already prepared camp fire, some logs of wood in your backpack or a hatchet and a forest. Setting up a camp fire takes some time and depending on if you have logs with you or not, it will require you to travel to the next forest. However, a camp fire is much more accessible than a tent, much more flexible in where and when you can set it up. As a camp fire is easily spotable from afar, it is not really feasible using it to flank somebody. Also, setting up a camp fire and sitting at it for 10 to 20 seconds is not really doable in a general combat situation. Using a campfire to hop from server to server however is possible to a certain degree. If you pack your bagpack with enough logs or are close to a forest, you can still rather easily hop from server to server. It will require a certain effort though. Q&A Since I anticipate a couple of questions or critique I want to elaborate upfront: Q: This is really uncomfortable. Players will hate it, I certainly already do. A: Most players hate most aspects about DayZ. In fact the game is tailored around pissing you of and showing you how much it can kick you in your balls. This ties in well in my eyes. Q: When requiring a tent or matches and a hatchet to logout, I will not be able to log out seamlessly the most time! A: Yes, but to some degree this is the point. Making the process of log out more cumbersome, to prevent it from being abused. Also, since tents are so rare, players will start using other player's tents to log out, providing another opportunity for emergent gameplay to evolve. Q: But if a tent and the fireplace will remain at the location where I logged out, then other players will know where I logged out and maybe even camp the location! A: Camping out in front of Elektro in a post apocalyptic world with bandits waiting to slit your throat and take your valuables isn't a good idea, correct. Find a saver spot to set up your camp. Q: This is technically not implementable. Get lost you moron! A: I do not know what exactly is possible for DayZ as a ArmA II Modification, I am pretty sure that this functionality is implementable. I think Dean or whoever would implement such a functionality in the end, would have to decide if this is technically possible. Q: I love this suggestion! You are a genius! I want to marry you! A: You may send in female marriage proposals by direct message. Please include a picture of you. ;)
  14. Re meta-gaming: In this example, there is no way possible to describe the groups actions as meta-gaming, how can ghosting to deliberately circumvent a players stealth be described as such. he's not given away any information on any level to be infiltrated and exposed to any third party. I would argue in favour of strategic meta-gaming, but using third party comms for telepathic/necromantic communication is a tactical exploit. I would argue that it could be policed fairly easily... Write it into a code of conduct/eula that the use of non proscribed communications methods is condidered cheating and a kickable bannable offense. Make it voluntary. It will be very obvious to an admin in observer mode if a group is using 3rd party comms and could react accordingly. Fun: Rocket has said this is an apocalypse simulator. It's not supposed to be fun. Restriction to in game comms would make the gaming environment much more tense as groups out of earshot would have to communicate with non verbal line of sight methods, or use of their wrist watches to coordinate assaults etc, and would make group security methods an absolute must as it would make your group a hell of a lot easier to penetrate... i.e. a lot nore paranoia... perfect for the apocalypse... I'm not arguing against basic radio communication but it has to detectable in game to circumvent the tactical advantage described above i.e. your player has to make a sound to voice into a radio and the receivers have to generate an audio footprint on receiving the signal, no matter how quiet, the earpiece could be included as a piece of kit. The radio channel could be eavesdropped. Friends: The idea of friends is surely completely contradicted with permadeath. Your PC is dead. What cares he for friends. Your new Pc has no friends and encouraging a system that allows him to simply run back to where he *died* pick up his mates and kit and stroll on flies directly in the face of the concept of permadeath. Ninja lore (carrying real world knowledge into the gaming world): Could be explained through a pc who wakes up on the beach had much more experience from his pre apocalypse life, was a local who knew the area well etc etc... My solution: Have a look at FsInn software for the provision of radio communication in flight sims. very simple and easy to use, is PTT, has programmable channels and range factors built in and is built coded to support masses of flight simmers online on a server at the same time. If a similar radio comm program/concept could be coded into the engine to run parallel to ingame VON for in game speech.... And surely the freshness of the mod is that it flies in the face of other styles of gameplay. who's to say that 3rd party comms are good for the gaming experience that this type of mod is aiming for. Rocket has already advocated in favour of keeping comms in game and controllable... I personally would like to explore the issue of group trust in a world of difficult and sketchy communications, but can't because of these 3rd party programs
  15. DemonofCherno

    A NEW DAWN Hospital and food bank

    Your right Duny this is dangerous and perhaps If i did a password server it would defeat the purpose of offering a safe haven. Ghosting or switching servers will be a problem but there is nothing I can do about it. This is dangerous and all my guards know this and all patients know this, But I won't let the fear of bandits or cheating stop this experiment. If people want to exploit it and destroy it then that is the game Dayz is and will stay. I need the community to be willing to help protect this area. This will take place on a US server for now.
  16. rascagua

    Can I ban players for Alt-F4ing?

    meh. those rules are relatively incomplete and dont cover a lot of the loopholes that admins can prevent. I dont see why I cant just ban them since I witnessed it happen and im the server admin. ah thanks for the quote. although I dont mind people alt-f4ing in general. I dont want people like that ambushing a location that is permanent and the alt-f4ing and ghosting back in like a bunch of cheaters
  17. "ghosting" in most games refers to a spectating player communicating with people in-game
  18. Ghosting is logging out of the server, going behind someone, then logging back in and killing them OP I don't like this idea mainly because I'm always on vent. It penalises the player too much by making it far less fun
  19. This is called 'ghosting' in most games, its fairly common. Up to the server admin to ban for this really.
  20. Before I start, yes, we have video from two perspectives. The infraction happened on our server. A group of three guys were at the tower on green mountain sniping. We climb up the legit way and kill them. As we are looting bodies, one of their buddies loads in and ghosts up behind us. We heard him downstairs and were on the lookout for him. Next thing we know he comes in behind us and shoots us. We get him, all three are dead. We have all of this on video and it will be posted shortly. We tried to ban the guys from our server but apparently the ban button does not work so we just used the kick button. Honestly, we don't want exploiters on our server and I feel we are well within our rights to ban these guys. My question is, this is a bannable offense right? How do we get them banned? The infraction happened on US 554 at around 3:40 PM EST. The names of the players were Allen, Felipe and BlahBlah. Video evidence will be up shortly.
  21. Rallige

    Massive DayZ Overhaul

    Well guys, thank you for keeping it civil and sharing your opinions peacefully. I know that this is alpha, but I'm sure as hell I'm having fun with it, and this thread is the only way I can contribute to it. I would like to highlight one problem, that can be sharper than it seems - 1 character per server rule. I was told a couple a hours ago that it could result in losing your whole progress if something happens to server you usually play on. My position - I'm ready to lose my progress if all other time I was safe from ghosting. What do you think about this?
  22. Zoop

    FR62 Admin abuse.

    Would anyone mind explaining what ghosting actually means? I'm not quite sure I understand the term. Thanks.
  23. Tbh im not to sure what mechanism could work/would be introduced, but certainly there would have to be zone were zombies and players cant just spawn/ghost in. But tbh the ghosting issue is a blatent exploit, that will have to have some kind of fix before its a fully fledged game regardless of whetehr this is implemented or not, so i dont usually consider it when thinking of new activities or locations. Dunno if ye saw this thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29313-some-feature-ideas-requesting-feedback/ but i think this was the devs idea that they were requesting feedback on, im noot so sure myself, but it seems like a step in the right direction.
  24. Player: [bob] Welshsniper Server: GB #00 ( [VET][GMT+1] Day Z - Blood of Britain ]bb[ Time/Day: 26.07.12 between 12:17-12:30 PM (MEZ) Abuses: Admin abuse or "be a member of" abuse and Ghosting History: Friend got killed on the northest west corner of the map (near Grozovy pass) maybe by an AK weapon, he was at the little house next to the forest, "Welshsniper" was in the forest killed him. I was under them (at the right forest next to "Ural Civilian-Vehicle-Spawn" and was going to my friend which got killed, i didnt saw anyone the whole time behind me and nobody crossed my way, 3 mins later i got killed from behind with the same AK 1. How could he know that there were two of us?! (maybe another cheat/hack) I was never near my friend the whole day Hope you can controll that
  25. Pureevuls

    How do you protect against...

    The rooftop i was camping has alot of metallic large objects on it, vents that looks to be part of an air conditioning unit and pipes etc, he could have logged behind one of those then those seconds before hes in doesnt do me much good. Unless we go to point 2, which then just means i failed cause i was lay down cause i heard movement :P Failure in itself, but ghosting is still euhh. Got my just desserts for being the knob in cherno!