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Found 43107 results

  1. aidanweld@gmail.com


    After about a week of downtime, =HA= have switched server hosts and are back in action. Our new server is much faster, and now possesses vehicles! We apologize to our donators and regulars for our seven day absence, and are returning the favor with our new VIP programme! Keep an eye on our TwitterFeed/Forums for future updates and news! http://www.heavilyarmedclan.com
  2. osme_oxys

    NPC Military Kill Groups.

    I would like it, but they wouldnt be able to drop weapons otherwise high tier loot would be too simple. Transport on the other end, would be nice. A slim chance there being vehicles though.
  3. jackofblades72

    So ... I found a MLRS.

    I thought hacked vehicles killed you upon entering them.
  4. So I did a few forum searches and THEN I did a few google searches. Found no such list. Can anyone help me out with servers that are REGULAR difficulty and have vehicles enabled? The server I found a vehicle on (Chicago 34) is down and has been for the past full day :( so I need some new ones. Thanks in advance !!
  5. joshuagregory91@hotmail.co.uk

    Crashed Helicopters Working?

    Can you loot the Crashed Heli's now the vehicles have been fixed?
  6. xermalk

    Crossing the Map's Boarders?

    There Reeealy needs to be a penalty for moving vehicles of the map.
  7. I posted this right before the forums drove off the cliff. This is re-written... I want to know if there are any technical consequences for leaving the map, and crossing the boarders of it. I specifically want to know if moving vehicles across the boarder, and camping out (Saving the vehicles) will be followed by the vehicles disappearing or perhaps my character dying. I've heard of helicopter pilots flying out past the map boarders and setting up an 'unreachable' base. But before I do this myself I just want to confirm that there's no technical issues with it. It's DayZ, I like my truck, and I'm paranoid. :D
  8. Olandsexport

    Question about vehicles

    Yes, vehicles and tents are server specific. Only what you're carrying on your body and in your pack is not.
  9. Smithburg

    Question about vehicles

    I was wondering about how vehicles work on servers. Im pretty sure they are reliant to a specific server correct? As in say you remake a heli and switch servers it is no longer there?
  10. Keurk

    Killall on DE5 last night

    it seems lot of admins are HEAVLY abusing their rights. Yesterday, on few servers, we killed full geared admins ( NvG, GPS ,M24 ,stuff like that ) ANY TIMES ( happened on 3 servers after we wiped the admins) immediatly after when we were looting we saw the message " No response from the server since X seconds" on one of the server ,the message was, immediatly after we killed the guys " You have been kicked out of the game" then (the last server was the DE14 if im not making mistakes) the admins LOCKED the servers for hours and hours (prolly to get vehicles and loot them /repair/regear as they want ) thats PATHETIC seeing people acting like that ,they shouldn't be able to own a server, i can understand it can be a coincidence one time, but not 3 times on 3 differents servers in less than 1 hour. Anyway, thanks for thoses admins who show we are kicking their ass by that kind of rage quit/ rage kick. No worries, we will pwn you again and again and again...and again and again
  11. jatobi (DayZ)

    how do you *lock* tents??

    You have to scroll wheel and save tent or it won't save it. It only lasts I think 2 days, so you better keep saving it. They can't be stolen, but they can be completely looted, so if you put stuff in it, well, let's just say I've gotten some nice items out of them :). Tents, and vehicles, all are server specific. If you place one down, or drive a vehicle and save it, it will only be in that location on that specific server.
  12. WalkerDown (DayZ)

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Syrasa, try the DayZ SP (single player) champaign and see if it runs smooth for you. If you're thinking: what the hell this guy is saying, and how it's related to this thread; well, it's not related, but i found myself playing the SP quite often when i cannot play online (in example where there's too traffic on the servers..), it's a great way to elaborate your strategy, to try all the weapons (manual spawning), to see the zombie reactions, to try the vehicles, and to be prepared when you need to do this things online and fights those mofos. (for this pro-tip, please prepare me a sandwich)
  13. WeaponTheyFear7

    My Good Suggestions List and discussion.

    Don't forget that Tents and Vehicles do not have working storage. This is a huge reason I can't seriously get into this game.
  14. Okey so i saw this new update 1.60 so you know i updated it i downloaded the files and put em in my @Dayz Addons folder and everything seemed normal then i started the game you know just normal then a server but it was weird cus i came in to the servers lobbby then out to the normal again so i thought well just a fud up server and i tried again and again with random servers and it didnt work then i saw it said in the left corner can not Play/modify this mission or something like deleted files you know weapons vehicles sfx and stuff like that ;_; i dont know what to do please help :blush:
  15. Bandit Hunter

    One mega server for all persistant items ?

    I got totally lost in your post, but you're topic title brings up a good idea. We're currently going to one mega database for all our persistence character data. Whats to say we can't pull half that data, being tents/vehicles/future persistant objects, from another? I'm not a technical guy, but it sounds like this would either speed things up, or slow them down.
  16. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Seeking: Group with Military level tactics

    Hey MajorGunHo, If you are interested, I run a DayZ clan called Overwatch [OVW]. The name is in fact referring to the military tactic you mentioned and we use it in all of our operations. A few things about us: OVW was formerly an anti-bandit clan but since the last update, we've become a highly efficient, combat effective survival group. We have a loose military structure that is appropriate to DayZ employing the use of fireteams. We switch between operating casually and tactically depending on whether the enemy is not expected, expected, or known to be at a location. Originally, we were fully mechanized with 7 vehicles (2 UAZ's, 1 offroad, 2 pickups, a bus, and a car) but we recently moved servers due to lag and are currently in search of new vehicles. We have Teamspeak 3 servers and a forum. We are also working on running DayZ servers. If you or anyone is interested in joining OVW please go to: ovw-dayz.com And apply, you will be contacted if approved. Maximum 3 users approved a day, so join quick! Requirements: * Be over 16 * Be mature- Willingness to learn, listen, and behave around members and officers * Microphone Group statistics: Kills: 74 (mostly bandits) Deaths: 27 In need of- * More fireteam leaders * Skilled marksmen * People with balls in general. Always, SMGH
  17. naizarak

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    manual spawns or not, vehicles as a whole have just vanished. i must have traveled around the entire map at least twice now without seeing a single repairable car or heli, on different servers, too. i could understand you reducing heli spawns, but there's no need to reduce car numbers. all they allow people is to travel from point A to point B faster.
  18. beginner

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    What the point explore the map if players can save vehicles outside the map? Only for rare chance to spot spawned heli?
  19. griffinz

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    Thank you for the calm reply. Yes, but when Im in the presence of the devs as they are working away, there are some things I feel I should not tell everyone. Where I draw the line is usually back-end things or things in-the-works. I, instead, use my little nuggets of info to help the community with some aspects of the game. Its let me help server admins fix problems with hosting, identify what is cheating and what isnt, and usually help others get a fast-track to a dev regarding certain problems, etc... In this particular case, I did not care to go in to further detail about the process the devs use. So for further information you will need to contact them...but just remember my warning about contacting them in regards to vehicles.
  20. NecessaryEvil

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    Sounds like that would apply to all the vehicles, not just the hueys.
  21. WildGunsTomcat

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    Wow I didn't mean for this to become an argument lol I just wanted to know about the distinct lack of vehicles I'm seeing now.
  22. Talskar

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    This would essentially just be adding quests. A lot of people would be against this for it's similarity to an MMO but we already have fetch quests in the form of vehicles. Loot Drops with "Epic" and "Common" Gear. And Random Events in the form of Heli crash sites. Some deeper structure beyond survival isn't the worse thing in the world. The Huey is pretty cool to fly around afterall.
  23. Solid.nl

    Berezino: The New Devil's Playground

    Now i started playing dayz about a 2 weeks ago... I basically just went playing for about a hour without having any idea what was where or how the interface worked for that matter. But decided i might wanna read up on some things and also watched some people play the game and all that learned me how to use the inventory system and other aspect including the maps and offcourse what cherno and electro were. So when i came back and figured i was in electro, uhm lets go the other way and just see where it takes me. Few days later my buddies start coming into the game so no i can actually go and get blood packs and use them. Oke so i need a hospital, oke cherno and electro not such a good idea what about this place on the map called berezino.... Lets go there then, bloody hell its empty noone here..... And it has been since i went there 1 and a half week ago with sometimes having some poor sob coming into town only to be gunned down. (Yeah i am one of those players sue me). So far where i play its been pretty empty but i figure it wont last, people will get fed up about cherno and electro allthough i sometimes do venture there quickly if i spawn on the docks to get some quick supplies and get the hell out of dodge. But seeing as there are only 3 cities with hospitals i am surprised it even took this long. The downside will still be the walk towards berezino, i already had to walk there from my spawn several times with only basic equipment and it does take quite some time to get there. Its the main reason why cherno and electro are so hot, the spawn points are there. It takes along time to move to the good parts of the map but maybe its just me and i cant speak for everyone. But i think having to walk all the way back where your buddies are is far worse then losing your stuff. Now it would be fine if me and my friends could actually find a car fix it and setup a pickup service for each other but as far as i can tell the server i am on does not have vehicles yet because of the problems with it. Greetz Solid
  24. Praetorian (DayZ)

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    I'm going to have to agree with TOCMasterK. Griff is just patronizing the posters in this thread instead of just giving answers. We would like to know who spawns heli's/ other vehicles. If it's not the server admins then is it the DayZ staff? When vehicles that players have rebuilt but despawn after a server reset it is natural to want to get another one so I see that why question is being asked.
  25. wasrad

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    LOL are you serious. Admins not having the ability to spawn in helis doesnt completely negate the ability to choose the locations they have a percentage of spawning at. Sure, they may not be able to directly create one, but if they can choose where they might spawn in, they can just have their clan members check out those areas. It is a simple question about a spawn that a LOT of people, including myself, have spent time looking for( 6 horus total including collecting all the parts, dying checking known spawns, collecting all the parts again, dying again, wash,rinse, repeat). It is not a question about whats going on in groom lake or the 4th level of the Pentagon. There is also a thread with a list that has been made of where vehicles spawn that includes hueys. I guess I am just going to deduce that they are in fact placed via HIVE since you wan to be mr Im-more-important-than-you greennamed bad ass over here as opposed to, you know, actually being helpful to the community as a whole regarding this pretty important issue.