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Found 43149 results

  1. jatobi (DayZ)

    Vehicles, Loot, Ground

    But was your items on the ground? We had 7 vehicles slam packed with loot. All vehicles gone, all loot piled where each vehicle was lol. This is just weird.
  2. qweets

    Vehicles, Loot, Ground

    last night I got spawned out in the middle of nowhere all my gear was gone etc so I had to kill myself and respawn, I went to my tent and its no longer there.. So I'm thinking something odd is going on with vehicles/tents.. My tractor is gone also
  3. Nonimo967

    Died for no RAISINS!

    So ok, me and my friend found a downed heli yesterday and we got some great loot out of it. He had an FNFAL with 6 mags, I had an MK48. We had every utilities and filled with medical supplies and food and even found a couple of vehicles to fix. We were living the good life, so we went to the other airfield to look for maybe an nvg and some tires for the vehicles we found but guess what? We died! There were no shoot outs, there were no snipers, there were no zombie combat. We were sneaking around and were about to leave the place when both of us started bleeding, getting shocked, fractured and then died in an instant. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!? I've had this happened to me before but that's when I press "v" to get inside an elevated house and it eats me up, or if I'm in a tight place but we were in the middle of the airfield. An open space, nothing that could crush us. I don't get bummed out when I die from bandits or zombies but this? Damn man, I died for no reason. We both died for no reason. Maybe it was somekind of abusive server that /killed us? Has this happened to anyone?
  4. Restart again ... it might come back. AFAIK tents and vehicles are not saved on the local server.
  5. infinitegrim

    Vehicles, Loot, Ground

    We ask because we think we are still being trolled. Only a troll would dump loot on the ground and take the vehicles. Who would dump an M107 or M4 SD on the ground when they can keep it in the vehicle they are stealing?
  6. You guys may have chased us (I didn't see any vehicles pursuing for at least 800m behind us as we drive on a paved road) from Kabanino to Grishino, but you spawned with the UAZ (red), all outside the car, as we drove through Kabanino when you killed the Hilux driver. You all had m107 TWS's and L85A2's, and I barrelled through trees with the V3S when you did it so you couldn't kill me. We had killed you several times, and repeatedly you reappeared conveniently behind us in an open plain as we were checking all around us.You can't keep your story's straight, the videos you're posting show you using the OMGHAX0RWEPONS (that actually are in the game) with no proof of you actually getting it from one of the accused.
  7. SystemiK

    Vehicles, Loot, Ground

    Items stored in tents and vehicles (as well as vehicles themselves) are very bugged at the moment. Don't store anything vital for the time being.
  8. howichrgelazer

    Need help finding a Good Server

    Tents and vehicles are saved in the master database, not server side. ;) US 10 fits your requirements, however, at the current moment there's an issue with the hive that affecting a lot of servers as of this post. Some packet loss. :(
  9. It wasn't the main intended feature' date=' but yes, it is a side effect of the community we have, hence why on the front page it says 'Slay Bandit's' as a feature. Never heard of zombies being able to hear voice chat, gonna need some verification on this. If you're concerned about bandits hearing your voice chat, use TS/Ventrilo/Mumble/etc The only thing I got out of this is you pay entirely too much attention to the scoreboard/leaderboard, and it only reinforces peoples beliefs that it should be removed. Also, I kill an average of 30-35 people a day, and maybe 1-2 of them are bandits. If there's so many bandits as people say there are, how come i'm not seeing them, especially since where I hunt, is called bandit heaven? Then rocket is getting exactly what he intended, for you to feel defeated by the game. Been alive without a single murder before, for 4-5 days before, it's all in how you play. Every game out there is a revolving door, people come and people go. ---- Apparently the two man blood infusion isn't enough, you need a team of 8 to hoist a 55 gallon drum of blood up To quote you, "the game will degenerate into a pathetic FPS mess.". There is nothing positive about this suggestion, infact, when the debug info goes away, you won't even be able to see your kill count so it's a moot point anyway. If you want scoreboards and points, this isn't the game for you. I thought vehicles in general already did that? Unless you're referring to structures, something he already has on the backburner. Although I can't help but feel that once the advantage is given to groups, it will only spawn groups of bandits that will utilize it, and then it will be whined into submission by the very people who wanted it in the first place. The intent of a bandit is to kill you, additionally if it upsets you, that is a bonus. The only person that this is news to, is apparently the minority of players that come to the forums crying
  10. All our vehicles on Chicago 54 missing as well. Only thing different is that all the loot that was in the vehicles is spread out on the ground where the trucks were.
  11. jatobi (DayZ)

    Vehicles, Loot, Ground

    So....had 7 vehicles all together parked. Had loot, a lot of loot, in every single one. Vehicles are magically missing. Loot all on the ground where each vehicle was parked. Bug? Or did someone troll the hell out of us? If so.....awesome job on the trolling....had to have taken hours to unloot all that crap lol.
  12. shadowandlight

    Dallas 22

    Its not "anyone" who is finding tents, its a not impossible to find tents or vehicles in the game. In fact, for weeks we figured it was people using legit game mechanics... up until the admins started seeing unusual scripts that we found out were vehicle and tent location scripts.... Now we are tracking the ones we know of, so hopefully it will severely diminish such script usage. Feel free to try out Dallas 22.... There is a reason its one of the more populated ones out there and that is because its well run and constantly admin'd.
  13. Survivors don't have massive amounts of supplies' date=' guns, and all the vehicles they need to get from place to place. They also can't predict when someone logs into the woods they just cleared. The only way to play as a Survivor is to simply not play at all. The variables and scenarios ALWAYS favors bandits. Bandits don't need to go into town for supplies because they can have them driven in by their buddies camping the NWAF. And forget about getting anywhere near, they have NVGs and DMRs on some server you've never heard of, so shooting them does nothing more than give them a 10 minute time out. As I've said before, there's a big difference between difficult and stupid. Sudoku is difficult, skydiving without a parachute because it's "hardcore" is stupid. [/quote'] Where do you get all this stuff from? I consider myself a bandit, have been for a while. I've been playing since about the middle of April, and i've only had a working vehicle twice. I don't use tents, because frankly they never used to work and I don't trust them. I am part of a 2-man team, and to be honest, i've never even found a pair of NVG's in the game. I don't server hop, I don't disconnect when i'm fired upon, I play the game as it is. Hell, i've never even had a DMR. I do all my sniping open sights with a enfield, and I never camp the beach. You seem to have this big boogeyman persona of bandits, like we all have hummer brigades full of people thirsting for your beans, rolling into combat with anti-material rifles and thermal scopes, armed to the teeth just for the sole purpose of ruining your game. Maybe there is a small percentage of people out there just like what i've described, but is it fair to lump all of us into that category? The PVE crowd doesn't want us to associate them with the quote un quote 'carebears' or 'CoD crowd', but you automatically treat any bandit as some sort of game exploiting blood thirsty asshole.
  14. If we were teleporting in vehicles why would we take a shit car, also we just DROVE there we followed your tracks by heading up north, protip don't barricade your roads it gives us a path to start out on. Other videos of us are uploading You followed our tracks?....really the tracks that don't render or show up on PAVED ROADS. We killed a few of you at our camp we had just set up then about 10 seconds later the same people we killed were back at the camp with NVG's and high end gear. We took us in whatever cars/trucks we could to get away and try save what we could. You guys spawned in front or behind us in a "crappy car" with gear. You guys are awful lairs hey We followed the road up north and we found you, our team mates geared up on our server then we stole your car from your camp picked up our team mates then headed up north. Also we fucking followed you as you can clearly tell in the video.
  15. If we were teleporting in vehicles why would we take a shit car, also we just DROVE there we followed your tracks by heading up north, protip don't barricade your roads it gives us a path to start out on. Other videos of us are uploading You followed our tracks?....really the tracks that don't render or show up on PAVED ROADS. We killed a few of you at our camp we had just set up then about 10 seconds later the same people we killed were back at the camp with NVG's and high end gear. We took us in whatever cars/trucks we could to get away and try save what we could. You guys spawned in front or behind us in a "crappy car" with gear. You guys are awful lairs
  16. If we were teleporting in vehicles why would we take a shit car, also we just DROVE there we followed your tracks by heading up north, protip don't barricade your roads it gives us a path to start out on. Other videos of us are uploading
  17. after a server time out all our vehicles and tents and stuff is gone now.... that really pisses me off now.... 4 of us were crusing on a boat when the timeout appeared... and lost all their stuff in water... i think there should be sth like when you log off on water you spawn at coast or sth like that because otherwise its fucking annoying
  18. Herr Robert

    Freeside Trading Co.

    As a bandit player I would advise you to spread out your camps and vehicles over the map. When it comes to the camps, you should probably spread them over multiple servers aswell in the event of your "home" server going down, to minimize the risk. A single camp is too vulnerable to gamey elements such as server hoppers (someone could for instance serverhop there and throw a grenade to ruin your progress). You should however have a few camps set up where the guards can re-arm with mostly common weapons such as Enfields, Winchesters, shotguns and pistols, incase they die and have to get into the fight quickly. Additionally I would like to suggest trading being handled at least partly outside of the game. That way you could send escorts — with basic gear to minimize the risk of losing valuable group assets — to meet up with the players that wish to trade, and bring them to a secret location where there's several guards to make sure that there's no foul play. That way players would actually dare to trade, provided that you end up getting a good reputation, since they would not have to run into a bandit hotspot.
  19. To further provide evidence against these guys, a team of 5 of our guys were located south of our camp, heading north to intercept where we believe they were. We were constantly on the watch for them, when all of a sudden they appeared right behind us on top of a mountain. There is absolutely no way they could have known where we were at that time, as our chat was only between the five of us in that squad. They appeared of thin air and immediately began firing upon us. The only thing that could possibly explain this is a teleport hack, especially seeing as they were constantly teleporting to the vehicles we were driving, which ended up with the drivers of two of the vehicles dead.
  20. I made this server the main one I played on recently and built up quite a lot of gear as well as a UAZ for myself but now it seems the admin has reset the vehicles and keeps kicking people that join who are not in his clan. happened multiple times today. Just those same 9 guys playing in the server, probably gathering all the vehicles up and kicking anyone else who joins. My friend was also kicked when trying to join.
  21. Survivors don't have massive amounts of supplies, guns, and all the vehicles they need to get from place to place. They also can't predict when someone logs into the woods they just cleared. The only way to play as a Survivor is to simply not play at all. The variables and scenarios ALWAYS favors bandits. Bandits don't need to go into town for supplies because they can have them driven in by their buddies camping the NWAF. And forget about getting anywhere near, they have NVGs and DMRs on some server you've never heard of, so shooting them does nothing more than give them a 10 minute time out. As I've said before, there's a big difference between difficult and stupid. Sudoku is difficult, skydiving without a parachute because it's "hardcore" is stupid.
  22. psychos

    Dont play on DE #38

    Hi, The same thing happen on DE #34 same players (early in the day with the [AMG]) and kick every player who try to join the server... [ecp] Krot is admin as a can see Also we lost all of our vehicles but maybe it's the server reboot bug...(i hope)
  23. AgentX

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    Oh yes, I totally cheated when I picked up my M107 at Stary Sober... Just because somebody has a rare weapon or rare equipment doesn't mean they cheated. I do hope they fix the item duplicating though. They've already been working on the ammo duplication within the inventory, hopefully next thing will be item duplication from tents and vehicles. All they really need to do is make the tent or vehicle save any time you look into it and/or add/remove items from it. Problem solved.
  24. MarKeR (DayZ)

    Cheaters in DE #40

    We had arund 6 vehicles and a 2 choppers at one point!! Although, I am sure all the choppers apart from a very few older servers have them disabled!! Maybethe admin of DE40 could have a wee look at the log files for you!
  25. Drac

    Pobeda Dam vehicle flip

    The gray dams are not terrain in Arma2 they are made of multi-objects and are thus extremely unfriendly to vehicles. They always have been and always will be so get used to just avoiding them because the ABSOLUTE best rocket could pull off without rebuilding them and thus making a different version of the map is making an unflip vehicle option. If someone else doesn't I am going to make an Arma2 quirks thread so that people stop reporting Arma2 problems as DayZ bugs. Edit: also ATVs are simple to un-flip on normal terrain. Simply angle your tires so the fronts stay in the air and then reverse until it comes back up. If you are on a hill make sure that you start reversing after you rotate the vehicle so your avatar is facing up hill or except it to take longer as it won't start to un-flip while the wheels are uphill. Also try not to get off as when an ATV is fully on its side it is almost impossible to enter. Also note that the position of being on its side doesn't seem to be always saved or register for people who weren't on it when it flipped so a fix can be as simple as reconnecting or bringing someone who doesn't see it as on its side to right it.