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Found 336 results


    Be polite.

    Good sir is contrived manners. It's fake and lame and not genuine. It's used to congratulate or affirm, but it demonstrates that you couldn't come up with anything of your own to say, or even a "thanks" or "good job" and instead have to be derivative. I'm sure good sir was funny one of the first times it was used in repartee, but hearing it for the fifth time in a row from a different person each time makes me feel like I'm playing Fable and instead of NPCs spouting the same irritating line, it's morons saying good sir. It's like nobody has a personality. I'm playing a wonderfully immersive multiplayer online experience and the other characters in the world only speak in meaningless, derivative platitudes that exude fake niceness. I'm not on reddit, I'm not on 4chan, I'm in a zombie apocalypse. I will kill myself immediately if all that's left at the end of the world are the lost unoriginal people in existence. And that's why I hate good sir. You're rude and cheeky but I don't mind, because that's who you are and you need to keep both hands on the guitar, plucking those strings for rude and cheeky boys everywhere, because if you don't, nobody will.
  2. I think the addition of new modded buildings which are enterable would change the game alot. Especially at night, people are angry cause its too dark, and most of em also don't like to stay in small boring little farmhouses the whole night. so my suggestion, is the addition of some new, or/and bigger buildings, which are enterable, maybe some should have a working generator, which has to be filled with fuel to make electicity on that building, like light and all those things, also those kind of buildings should have the ability to lock doors, like with parts u find blocking the doors, so they can't be opened. Such things would be so great, and players would actually use those buildings as base, cause they finally would find places where they could be REALLY safe. btw, the Generator could also be a reason to attract Z's then, or the light of the building, so if players don't lock the doors, they will have a pretty bad time, otherwise they could use all those zombies as good cover while they locked in that building.. Police Departments would be such a great thing, like i allready have suggested, a Police Department, where u could find some better weapons, and a police car maybe? i like the normal barricades, but locking a door, and being sure zombies won't even glitch trough that, i would feel save. Maybe a addition of sleepbags would be good too, maybe we could do something like "the more players go sleep in their sleep bags, the faster the time of night will end" or something like that, it would be pretty cool. Addition of things like guitars, or other things also would be cool, maybe a Radio which plays music sometimes or sometimes some old Emergency Broadcasts... those things would add lots of atmosphere and realness, and immersions to the game. really, those things are a must for such a game, those things are what makes the game special, i would loooove to sit there with my friends, barricaded in in a Police Station playing guitar, listening to the radio broadcasts, without having to care if someone is allready pointing his gun at you, or zombies who are going for you....... seriously, i would love to have this things.. . :(
  3. Antares (DayZ)

    Facilitating Groups

    We need better means of facilitating grouping and interaction amongst survivors and banditos. I'd like to think all would benefit from the following suggestions to open up the social venue a little more: 1. Fixing Direct Communication and other Chat Channels This is huge; with the recent massive influx of players I've noticed an alarming rise in banditry and Kos'ing. Having the ability to communicate locally without giving away your position on the Side Chat (AFAIK the only working chat) would make calling out friend or foe infinitely more reasonable, as we'd no longer be calling out to every undesirable every time someone shoots in a town. 2. A grouping system I'd love to see some primitive form of a grouping systek implemented in the game. For sake of realism, I'd like nothing more than an indicator of who is in your group, and the ability to speak only to them via a chat channel or voice chat. It'd add that extra level of comm. safety working in groups, allowing groups to communicate and work that much more effectively in the apocalypse, survivor or bandit. 3. Cracking comm channels With the privatization of communication once more, it'd be nice to add rare items that let us tap into these comm channels. Radio equipment and the like, detectors that let you know you're being tapped, scramblers that make it more difficult, etc. I'm no expert in radio comm. so don't quote me on this, but surely there are realistic options for some fun here. And now for something completely different! One last suggestion, give us things to pass the time in-game with ourself or others. Give us a deck of cards so we can play solitaire when alone, or poker chips to play with others. Maybe a chess or checker board? A guitar? Little things like that, little ways to play within the world, would be wonderful for immersion when you've finally found that safe area with you and a few friends.

    Findable Guitars or Balalaikas

    The Item could fill the Rocket launcher slot? 99% of the time its not in use and it would allow the guitar to appear on the back. Hell, why not go as far as having a harmonica fill one of the equipment/binocular slots.
  5. I think it'll add to the immersion of staying in groups if guitars or balalaikas were added to the game that allowed you to play music. We could have campfires with several survivors sitting, and a survivor that found a guitar started to play the guitar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Rz2HvRMvEE&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DURTatgmp8A&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcaIUdCd0vA&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr1ha1E22jw&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9g2CrRlFvM
  6. furlean

    Findable Guitars or Balalaikas

    1+ for the Stalker guitar video! I too would love to see this as well in game as it would add that sense of immersion to the actual game. We can't always be running and gunning zombies and players everytime we play.
  7. griffinz

    Findable Guitars or Balalaikas

    Id take my guitar with me in an apocalypse...music has a positive effect on morale
  8. Guest

    Findable Guitars or Balalaikas

    i allready thought about that too, i just love the idea, imagine you could chill with your friends playing guitar :D There allready was a Guitar addon released and it also has a animation, check this out. Video: Addon: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7193 seriously, it shouldn't be that hard for the dev. team to make such things possible for us. and guitar in this game would just be great.
  9. grounddog

    Findable Guitars or Balalaikas

    For me this is really needed. I would love to sometime sit down with my friends at a campfire and just eat and chill rather than go around all the time killing others. We need this for immersion, we need this for more seriousness. This cant be that hard to add somekind of music emitter with the playlist and to have a guitar in your backbag. Just put it into your hands like maybe a rifle or maybe a handgun, it will look awkward but it will be there. I am sure many would support me on this idea. I just really really hope that there is a way to do this. I really wish to have this in the mod.
  10. NeKoNeKo

    Findable Guitars or Balalaikas

    Its possible but there is no animation for playing the guitar, and it can only play 1 song.... unless they can create some kind of menu (playlist) where you can choose what you want to play.
  11. anthonyat33@gmail.com

    Guitars and Harmonicas

    A big yes, guitar especially.