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About skitz

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  1. The static dead soldiers have been where my group has noticed all the issues coming from also.
  2. skitz


    its a server option i think it is shift left click on a open map to make them
  3. skitz

    Banned from Dallas 54

    Man that sucks that the devs have been fighting the DDoS and hive issues and couldn't take the time to get to this problem. This man deserves to know right now if he and his clan are forever to be labeled as scum of the earth cheaters or not. The rights of this player to play on this server is stopping him from trying to log in to all the other umpteen thousand and sit at the loading screen; or to desync every 5 minutes because the server can't properly connect to the hive anyway. He really wants to sit and look at an AKM that won't leave his bag into his tent. Good luck with your problem man.
  4. skitz

    Dallas 55 Spactic

    thanks for the report ill keep an eye out when i can and told another one of the admins so he can check the logs and see anything else
  5. Dropped a Lee 40 hatchets and 13 crowbars spawned. Hi, I'm Al Harrington, President and CEO of Al Harrington's Wacky Crowbar and Hatchet Emporium and Warehouse! Thanks to a shipping error I am now overstocked on crowbars and hatchets, and I am passing the savings on to *you*! Attract customers to your business, make a splash at your next presentation, keep grandma company, protect your crops, confuse your neighbours! African American? Hail a cab, testify in church or just raise the roof! Whatever your crowbars and hatchets needs, come on down to Al Harrington's Wacky Crowbar and Hatchet Emporium and Warehouse, route two in Weekapaug!
  6. If you played on these servers they have both been moved. Atlanta 7 is now known as Dallas 53 and LA 2 is now Dallas 54 Enjoy.
  7. Almost everything isn't spawning often. Lots of empty buildings or just buildings filled with empty cans maybe a heat pack or chem lights.
  8. No Maybe start with a lower caliber gun like a .22; make it take 2 head shots to kill players.