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Everything posted by rocketman21

  1. rocketman21

    Looking for partner(s)

    hey! If your looking for someone to team up with or a group of guys find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  2. hey! If your looking for someone to team up with or a group of guys find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit add me for more
  3. rocketman21

    Looking for a bandit clan of non cheaters

    hey! If your looking for someone to team up with or a group of guys find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  4. rocketman21

    Why must I be so thoughfull?

    hey! If your looking for someone to team up with or a group of guys find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  5. hey! If your looking for someone to team up with or a group of guys find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  6. rocketman21

    Looking for a few people to play with.

    hey! If your looking for someone to team up with or a group of guys find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  7. rocketman21

    Looking to make group

    hey! If your looking for someone to team up with or a group of guys find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  8. rocketman21

    Looking for a clan

    hey! If your looking for someone to team up with or a group of guys find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  9. rocketman21

    looking for a group

    hey! If your looking for someone to team up with or a group of guys find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  10. rocketman21

    really starting to piss me off....

    if your usen arma 2 free contact me 12thunit steam
  11. rocketman21

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    yeah but he only got it for dayz.. so i mean if they want to be like that I guess everyone could boycott the game.
  12. rocketman21

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    well I agree with you completely but I do actually use Arma 2 but really the game isn't that good and no one would of gotten there game this much if it wasn't for the dayz mod so really it isn't there game that is good it was dayz... and lets face it dayz isn't even all that good with all the glitches and scripters and bs that constantly that go's on. I mean come on more content and take care of these stupid scripters. Honestly I gave up personally on trying to really be serious about this game anymore I just throw tourches and screw around killing zombies till a bandit kills me and Honestly when I die I don't even care... it's gotten like that for me.
  13. rocketman21

    Looking for some 1 to team up with.

    hey! If your looking for someone to team up with or a group of guys find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  14. rocketman21

    Just shit a brick.

    THATS AWESOME!!! hahahahah
  15. rocketman21

    Also looking for UK player(s)

    hey! If your looking for someone to team up with find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  16. hey! If your looking for someone to team up with find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  17. rocketman21

    Looking for uk players or player

    hey! If your looking for someone to team up with find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  18. hey! If your looking for someone to team up with find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  19. rocketman21

    Looking for Player(s)

    hey! If your looking for someone to team up with find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  20. rocketman21

    Looking for a team

    hey! If your looking for someone to team up with find me on skype deathcode12 or on steam 12thunit
  21. rocketman21

    Is Arma Worth buying for Day Z

    NO! Don't buy it save your money! The game is full of hackers just wait for the stand alone
  22. rocketman21

    looking for a good clan

    if you don't have skype try steam 12thunit
  23. rocketman21

    looking for a good clan

    join my clan. send me a pm me on skype deathcode12 170+ members
  24. 12thunit www.ZombieHords.com +170 members and still growing 2 servers. a bunch of ex military members to team up with.
  25. rocketman21

    need help plaese

    dayz commander works