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About Suicicoo

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  1. Suicicoo

    Assassin's Little Shop Of Horrors (Anti-Biotics store)

    ...would it be possible to trade an m4a1 cco & 3 mags for one antibiotic or two?
  2. got help by twitchy trigger & shohu - thanks a lot for the help, guys :)
  3. A - Suicicoo B - infected, bleeding, low on blood C - the spot east of NWAF with a barn and industrial-spawn-hut, in the hut D - female, m4a1 cco, alice backpack i have a ghillie suit for spare, if you want it :)
  4. i too have this problem...
  5. Suicicoo

    No Loot & Z's?

    i'll try that - thanks :)
  6. Suicicoo

    No Loot & Z's?

    has it happened to you, that you don't find any loot? i've visited some deer-stands and houses and whatnot, and i mostly don't find any loot. maybe it comes together with no Zs spawning, because everytime i found no loot, there also spawned no Zs. bug/feature?
  7. Suicicoo

    No Loot & Z's?

    Is it only me, or are the Zs now only walking around the houses & places, where you find loot? And not only once in a while, but, i tried to enter one of the village-houses with 2 entrances, one room left&right, i waited 5 mins and the whole time, there were Zs going through, sometimes pushing each other away, because there's not enough space... The same happened in Stary, where the way between the tents was crawling with hoppers and they all needed to inspect every tent they found... and in a lot of other places.. is this wanted behaviour or not, does it only happen to me? and what to do about it? with only my revolver i'm a little too scared to try clearing these houses - i tend to only search in the big barns, where there's plenty of room...
  8. as seen above - everything worked fine till i saw that ... yellow text at the top of the commander - downloaded & updated arma2 beta patch and now it says ''Arma 2: Not Found(Out of Date)" folders are forced to the install-directory(just tried copy&paste - didn't work) dayz, which is located in almost the same folder is found just fine, only arma hides it's ... lower back any help would be really really appreciated sui
  9. hi there, i just wanted to report a hacker on the server mentioned above he goes by the name DNIWE_144 had military clothes with red baret and a golden ak47 sui
  10. Suicicoo


    take a guess, what might be my steam-id ;) it's suicicoo
  11. Suicicoo


    add me on steam or skype or pm me, im at the airfield(no trusted medic yet)
  12. Suicicoo

    bike bug

    had this happen to me to - if you've got a friend with a vehicle, you can have him come to you, so you can enter the vehicle via menu - et voila, problem solved :)
  13. Suicicoo

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i've added you on steam as a friend to help you