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About Crayv

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Crayv

    Seperate Profiles?

    Considering if you currently want a 2nd profile you can just buy another copy of the game, I'm for it. Speaking of having 2 accounts. I'm sure there are people who are already doing this just so they can give themselves blood transfusions.
  2. Crayv

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    I think putting a stop to duping will end most of the sniper problems. The other day me and a friend went on night time tent camp looting spree. Of all the tent camps that were not empty, every single one of them had an AS50 (one of them had 10) and usually a couple of L85s. We found more sniper rifles than we found food. What do I find kinda silly is how the survivors have been probably living off a can a beans and a couple of sodas a day for who knows how long, also chances are they have no military training (as most people don't). Yet they are somehow able to use these these rifles like they are special forces or something. I imagine all the dodging zombies and poor diets they would be feeling at least a little anemic (judging how bad a shape everything is it has been a while) and would probably have trouble holding things steady. So if its still an issue in the future and does need to be addressed then just give everyone a small case of the shakes so hitting anything at a long range would become exceptionally difficult.
  3. Crayv

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    I think we need to be able to swim fast and indefinitely, hold our breath for 5min, and catch and eat fish in the ocean. Why should I be punished for my play style to live like a dolphin. If you disagree with me then you are just selfish and only want people to play the game the way you want to. Joking aside... Sadly this is what I feel like the game currently is. Once you get a piece of military hardware the zombies become rather trivial. Then you kill every player you see (whereas before you were avoiding them) unless you are talking to them in Skype/ Vent/ ect. because the one you let live is the one that stabs you in the back. This in turn further encourages this free-for-all behavior, the person you killed died because another player simply saw him and now feels like he has to kill everyone on sight or the same will happen to him (and it just did). The only thing you lose from this behavior is a few rounds of ammo, where if you don't you risk being killed and losing everything. This is what I would really like to see. There are a lot of shooters out there and there are a lot of games with zombies (there is even exists a Trains Vs Zombies) but what isn't really out there is a true zombie survival game. This game is the closest thing to that I have seen. Don't get me wrong bandits should be a part of the game and really add a sense of danger to it. However I don't really like is that the only survivors of the zombie apocalypse seem to be a bunch of scopophobic (fear of being seen) antisocial psycopaths.