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About Tobio

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Tobio

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    see heres the thing, the people that arent 10 and clueless understand the processes of game development, people that liked Dayz before the current problems will still buy the standalone purely for the fact that they know what the games capable of and that the devs will fix things 1 thing at a time like they have been. they (the devs) just understand how to focus on bigger and better things that are going to help and effect the game more then fixing a couple of current flaws in a mod just to have people bitching that theres still hackers and the mods still broken
  2. it disappoints me to see so many people saying "oh the game WAS so good now its too buggy to play and too many hackers. devs should stop ignoring the community and fix their game" they are, theyve said so many times they have no control over hacking while its as a mod and under BE, the only way to fix it is to develop it to standalone so they can address things properly yes the game is at a point where its more frustrating than enjoyable now cuz of all the problems but theres no point fixing them on an arma 2 engine mod when itll need to be re-implemented on the arma 3 engine when it goes stand-alone just be pateint and let them do their jobs instead of bitching at how unhappy u are with what u play for free on a unfinished unpolished mod
  3. congrats youve done the math behind it, u should post vids of u killing someone running at 1200m with as50 / m107 since its so easy. i personally dont have a problem with these guns being stronger, most people I see dont have full hp and because of that any other sniper will 1 shot a majority of the time anyway from my experience. plus if you play smart and dont sprint across open fields and you stick to tree lines and other forms of cover alot of people wont hit you first shot and if u watch ur surroundings you can normally work out where they shot from and then take action accordingly
  4. Tobio

    Heli Crash FAQ

    not sure as to whether this was a bugged spawn or hackers or something but me and a few friends found a chopper crash in the open fields north of cherno