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Posts posted by Reaper1

  1. They're making Hardcore servers and there has been those servers in the past. But this guy thinks that they shouldn't split them up and everyone should play this way.

    Dayz is a zombie survival simulator and as such it attempts be as realistic as possible. Having a floating camera behind your head isn't realistic, first person is. These are facts not opinions. My OPINION is that, as another poster in this thread said, splitting the community is not going to do any good. Scumbag tactics like corner peeking in third person shouldn't exist in a survival simulator.

  2. "5. Don't add helicopters!

    I absolutely love flying helicopters in the DayZ Mod and ArmA. I really think they shouldn't be added, at all, to Standalone. In the mod they always made camps pointless. Players in a chopper could find every camp on the server in a single day. I just don't want to see all the amazing camp/base locations I've found made obsolete because of an un-needed flying vehicle. I'm all for having nearly any type of ground vehicle."

    No, just no. Helicopters are coming. Hide you camp better from the Sky instead of whinning.

    I think you're missing the point. There is no way to hide your camp from the sky. It is beyond easy for one group of people with a chopper to scout out the entire map and find every camp. The fact is choppers are OP and shouldn't be added. I suppose choppers would be semi balanced if they were truely rare and limited to one per server as well as hard to repair/maintain and have no weapons, but I would much rather have ground vehicles only.

  3. Being able to use the butt of your gun as a weapon should definitely be added. Also I really hope they do something about server hoppers. It's way too easy for scumbags to go to the northwest airfield or other military loot spawn and switch servers continually until they find all the loot they need.

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  4. I didn't get my stuff back I was too scared bandits would still be in the area, but I didn't have that much on me as most of my stuff was back at camp.

    I don't play as a bandit so anyone that also plays on this server please add me on steam (Reaper1) I am willing to trade, group up, give meds, anything u need. I would love to meet up with more friendlies.

    Also I was wondering if tents were working correctly on this server like can you save your items multiple times? Or is there the glitch that you can only save it the first time and when the server restarts it reverts the contents back to the first save?

  5. Also Ajvkorn i just read your post. That was me but im not mad.. it was mostly my dumb fault for driving a tractor with a red engine. I was actually looking for an engine at the time lol

    After I respawned I went to Elektro and found a tent inside the church containing an ak kobra, dmr and bunch of other stuff so not much harm done.
