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Everything posted by Iezza

  1. With hardly any activity, so i can set up base there when i get the game? like , one enterable building,, some barbed wire. etc. :]
  2. Are you a bandit/hero/survivor? if your the last two, we can team up :D
  3. i want it to be very far away from civilization. like middle of nowhere.
  4. Iezza

    A m4 holo is not hacked?

    No. CCo is not holo M4A3 CCO SD is legit.
  5. Iezza

    A m4 holo is not hacked?

    Can you have a suppressed M4 of any kind? also nice borderlands avatar.
  6. Yeah, been there, its so quiet its amazing. theres like hardly any loot though :/
  7. Iezza

    Better drink my own piss

  8. Iezza

    A m4 holo is not hacked?

    the m4 holo with grenade launcher and suppreser is hacked . Choose one, not three.
  9. Iezza

    2 new gun suggestions

    Double Post.
  10. Iezza

    2 new gun suggestions

    Not that im advocating the addition of the DE(i think itsa terrible gun) it can be chambered for .357 I did have the PPSH as an idea for the SMG, but i tried having models that were in arma, so these could be added right now, at this very moment.
  11. Iezza

    2 new gun suggestions

    Surely, with a username like yours, a flamethrower would be more suitable.
  12. Iezza

    2 new gun suggestions

    But uncommon.
  13. Iezza

    2 new gun suggestions

    What?! These two are fairly un-military.
  14. Iezza

    2 new gun suggestions

    Like one at a time.
  15. Iezza

    2 new gun suggestions

    I took these all from ARMA II :CO. so they could be added right now.(Or hacked in or w/e)
  16. Iezza

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    Here, use this! ≠
  17. Iezza

    Squad Application

    You may want to download Mumble. it is widely used.
  18. Iezza

    2 new gun suggestions

    yeah. that was the point of my post. Get more common weapons out. especially for the SMG and LMG categories, which usually are rare. i could have also added an RPD to the LMG. but i decided not to.
  19. Rule #1 - Don't get shot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Self Explanatory _______________________________________________________________________________ Rule #2 - Short, controlled bursts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conserve your ammunition _______________________________________________________________________________ Rule #3 - Stick to your Morals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stick to your Morals no matter what, whether a bandit or a hero. _______________________________________________________________________________ Rule #4 - Watch your bullet drop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At long Range, make sure to make every bullet count _______________________________________________________________________________ Rule #5 - Patch your wounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch up your bleeding whenever you get a chance in combat, and full heal after combat _______________________________________________________________________________ Rule #6 - Keep a full mag. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep the weapon loaded. _______________________________________________________________________________ Rule #7 - If in doubt, fall back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deploy smoke rounds or grenades. _______________________________________________________________________________ Rule #8 - Keep the enemy suppressed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep the bullets coming, and he wont dare to move. _______________________________________________________________________________ Rule #9 - Follow orders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If in a group _______________________________________________________________________________ Rule #10 - Beware of confined spaces. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They are death traps.
  20. Iezza


    Son, if you keep up your bitchin', I will break you so hard, Google won't be able to find you. [user warned. -Max]
  21. Why do you want to change so bad? Shot on sight are we?
  22. Iezza

    need blood transfusion!

    Why do you have the bandit skin... If you're not hostile.