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Everything posted by Iezza

  1. Iezza

    Bloodsucker in Standalone

    Their branches and leaves however, are. You can even see the green hue.
  2. Iezza

    Bloodsucker in Standalone

    That is a tree. The deadliest of special zombies.
  3. Iezza

    Bloodsucker in Standalone

    Looks more like lifestealer to me http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/903237167421062195/317BD0BE008F6A34CF167EFD2CDACDEEF5693F2F/
  4. Iezza

    Bloodsucker in Standalone

    Circle it for us~?
  5. Iezza

    Bloodsucker in Standalone

    http://i60.tinypic.com/2u6el8n.jpg that??
  6. Iezza

    Bloodsucker in Standalone

    tbh i expected this to be a GIF that would jump out as i looked closely. But can you say exactly where, i see nothing but trees and the dude.
  7. Iezza

    Are there vehicles yet?

    oh right east to west i guess you could do in 35/40mins sure. I was thinking north east to south west lol. that's a solid 3 hours.
  8. Iezza

    Are there vehicles yet?

    I think you MAY have under exaggerated the size of the map there Dontstealmycheese.
  9. this idea is genius. Why did i not think of this before.
  10. Iezza

    Problem with W button (Walk/Jog/Sprint)

    buttons to press that will "fix" the issue: Double shift Spacebar Right click
  11. I think the main issue currently is they implemented 2 " make zed harder" features which both work TOO well together and still not fixed the bug where they can go through doors. Fix one bug, remove one difficulty and they will be fine. Fast zeds and low spawn, good. Lots of zeds, slow. Good.
  12. No, i do not. I attempt to keep my character alive and play like i would in a zombie scenario. You wouldn't shoot that guy without talking to him in a real life situation.
  13. this isn't what the dayZ experience is about for me. this story can be summarised by the following I got KOS I then KOS After that i KOS 2 guys Then i KOS a guy that tried KOS me Then i got loot
  14. Iezza

    How to get out of a wall

    if you do this remember to wait a while (20/30 seconds) after you get out, so that it doesnt plop you back into the wall when you go to a better server.
  15. Iezza

    The only solution for DayZ: Simulation.

    This post is absolutely amazing Salamander, in depth and i agree with all points. How about the posiblilites of transplants if someone is under 33% hp on a certain place? Would require surgical equipment and a organ ( able to salvage from dead bodies via surgical tools Or very rare metalic ones) in addition to a chance of body denying the organ and ant-denying drugs that put you in a generally weakened state.
  16. Iezza

    Food and drink system needs to change!

    i think its the opposite tbh. 2 bags of rice and 2 canteens and i'm sorted for a VERY long time , while it takes some time to get there, it removes all eating/ thirst risk from the game
  17. Currently the V key makes your character lift his leg up and over, and then his other leg Or jump in the air. This currently isn't Realistic game wise because all the v button does currently is Move your character forward and avoid unit collision with any low fences. Leading to unrealistic and utterly pointless scenarios where the animation should have gotten you over but it didnt or even walking through a fence with your leg clipping. I suggest that it be somewhat akin to ladders, where pressing v next to passable fences/branches etc will automatically cause your character to go over the fence. This will remove the clipping that makes the current vaulting so unrealistic and make the game somewhat more immersive , if you want to cancell the vault animation, you can do so by pressing V again. so the Functionality remains the same, just you cannot do silly vaults in the middle of nowhere. Pros: No silly animation/ 270 degree turn to cancel hop over wall. Greater animation quality and immersion Less glitches with bodies stuck in walls/ broken bones due to this Cons: Fairly low priority for alpha no " full controll " of character ( debatable as you can still cancel the animation) No random hopping in the middle of nowhere.
  18. Iezza

    Unfortunate fate

    Nice story, hunt them down like the KoS dogs they are.
  19. Iezza

    DayZ standalone set password?

    the key is in the word " saturation". it means there will be a significantly INCREASED number. I don't mind some heavily armed dudes. but when there's 20/40 heavily armed and have no risk to take then due to their private farming areas, then that's an issue for me.
  20. Hey guys, i hadn't played the mod for a very long time ( 10/15hrs at max) and i was truly enthralled by the vehicles. All of them felt good for me, and had a really nice drive with quite a high amount of work ( and as such food and drink) to put into them just to get them to run. I really loved this and it was my main agenda, to get a working vehicle, and when i did it was such a thrill. I currently had a massive power spike and could go anywhere and take on anyone just due to my pure mobility and flexability i had from them. And i ask to you, GD , what do you want The developers to do in terms of mod/ new vehicles. TL:DR : felt like a hero with a cape , jax hitting 6, waking up before the alarm went off. and ask you, what do you want devs to do with cars in mod/ SA
  21. Iezza

    DayZ standalone set password?

    yes because people loot farming on empty servers and saturating my world with heavy armed goods and coming in fully stocked wont ruin my experience at all. sure.
  22. thanks for the spot. As a student that studies A level English that's embarrassing lol. Have you played the Autumn War flash game? That's kinda a cool concept. More in depth but still that kind of idea.
  23. Iezza

    Cooking & Campfire

    The idea has been suggested many times and you have posted in the wrong sub forum. Use search and the suggestions forum found here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/128-suggestions/ instead. I am however for the idea greatly.
  24. Iezza

    DayZ standalone set password?

    And it seems quite redundant to make your own server just to play with like 4/5 friends. Just do that on any server. no PVP is utterly pointless.