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Everything posted by vpope

  1. FR1 restarted again (just now) but the vehicles are still missing..
  2. Game purchase only (sub may be required to run servers) I appreciate the goodwill of the community running servers, so long as there is studio oversight (like there is now) to keep them running in line with best practise. Kick starter OR pre production purchase (second would work well)
  3. The other players are reporting all vehicles are gone :)
  4. The Vehicle locations are fucked again mr Rocket , that HIVE thing you explained before i think , it was here before you restarted and now its gone again....
  5. There is a bug currently (1.5.4) where when you transition from survivor to bandit or visa versa, you will get a black screen saying "Requesting Character Data" First thing you do GO PRONE! If you disconnect and re enter the game you will find yourself swimming in the middle of an endless sea surrounded by other people. all your items will be gone and you will be unable to get out unless you kill yourself and re spawn. HOWEVER! you can prevent getting stuck in the sea of purgatory by waiting for the debug monitor to update fully and show that it has saved, when your screen goes black the debug monitor shows 0 kills of all kinds and 0 humanity , wait for these figures to update and for Unsaved to = false , you can then dissconnect (FULLY) from the server and rejoin , you will be in the same place you were before you changed HOWEVER all the items in your backpack will be gone. There is no way to work around the backpack bug. Some people have waited it out and eventualy your screen comes back and you can continue with no need to disconnect but your items in your bag will always vanish on transition .. I hope this is helpful to some of you.
  6. Has anyone else encountered this in 1.5.4 , i thought the vehicle saves had been fixed in this patch, but i managed to finally fix a heli and fly it away only to hear that the FR1 server just crashed and restarted and now the heli is gone..... My rage is obviously huge but Im more concerned as to weather or not the vehicle saves are broken for everyone of its just a single server issue. The heli was moved about 9 or 10 hrs ago, it was stationary from that time , i interacted with it after we landed it (twice) i got in it and i put items inside. I logged in about 6 hours ago before work to check it was till there and it was , i again interacted with the inventory. About 2 hours ago my freinds logged in and it was still there , they got into it and out and interacted with the inventory, the server crashed not long ago , within the last 30 mins. Once it came back up my freinds logged back in and it is gone, they logged in with the first wave on entreis so they would have seen it fly away if it had been taken, (that and its in a well hidden spot) I had them check the original spawn potition of the heli to see if it had been re-spawned in a damaged state (like used to happen in 1.5.3) and its not there. If any of the admins could check the DB and jsut see if the thing even still exists that would be something..... Update I have conformation that one of the guys guarding it was in within 60 seconds of the server starting up , so its can not have been stolen , the only conclusion we can come to is that it re-spawned and someone fixed it up (at its original location) and flew it off..... I realise this is not exactly of any consequence but if someone could spare just a few moments to look into it for us we would be extremely greatfull. As it was being used as temp storage since our tents all vanished in the 1.5.4 update..
  7. Has anyone else encountered this in 1.5.4 , i thought the vehicle saves had been fixed in this patch, but i managed to finally fix a heli and fly it away only to hear that the FR1 server just crashed and restarted and now the heli is gone..... My rage is obviously huge but Im more concerned as to weather or not the vehicle saves are broken for everyone of its just a single server issue.
  8. _WORKAROUND_ If you encounter this (which everyone transitioning between survivor and bandit will) you can prevent getting stuck in the sea of purgatory by waiting for the debug monitor to update fully and show that it has saved, when your screen goes black the debug monitor shows 0 kills of all kinds and 0 humanity , wait for these figures to update and for Unsaved to = false , you can then dissconnect (FULLY) from the server and rejoin , you will be in the same place you were before you changed HOWEVER all the items in your backpack will be gone. There is no way to work around the backpack bug. Some people have waited it out and eventualy your screen comes back and you can continue with no need to disconnect but your items in your bag will always vanish on transition .. I found out when i lost 10 bloodbags and 10 painkillers :( I hope this helps
  9. vpope

    We need a purpose.

    The TLDR DayZ is a sandbox game and as such it does and should continue to develop a tool set for the players to create the game-play structures for themselves. This is the cornerstone of sandbox design and it is one that I salute. I have nothing but praise for the direction the dev team have taken (even when i get sniped with lots of PHAT loot) and I hope they will continue to do so. Keep letting me build sandcastles so that i can cry when the tide washes them away :)
  10. vpope

    Vehicle persistence and scarcity

    As of 1.5.3 if a vehicle is not interacted with between server restarts then it would despawn and respawn at its original starting location all busted up again, im not sure if this was addressed in 1.5.4 but i assume that in the event you describe where they are out of the way and abandoned that they will be found , and moved on :) you have to find them to begin with , so nothing has actually changed , if they have not been abandoned then the people that have them will not be happy about you trying to take them :)
  11. vpope

    We need a purpose.

    Your purpose = Survive glad we cleared that up.
  12. Strining tin cans up to alert you to aproaching players , to lay as traps to attaract zombies to careless players. +1 to that. explosive might be a tad to far, but i like the idea of dotting a few can traps around your camp to warn you of aproaching people or wolves :) PS . WANT WOLVES!
  13. vpope

    Beds / Tents

    Just me 2 pennys, I personaly like the fact that when you die thats it, were it not for this simple fact there woulc be so much less exitment in a gunfigtht , or panic as you get mobbed and your trying to drag your bleeding butty into a house. The consiquences for death add meaning to your life. The game still rewards groups camping out of the way, if you have an organised group camping far north then you can fix up a car or if your very lucky even a heli and make runs to the south to collect people when they die in a fraction of the time (takes about 3-5 mins to fly from top to bottom. And all the time you will still have the hightend gameplay experiance from having invested time that you may lose in your character. The only thing that i would say i think would be worth adding is the idea of beds or some kind of deployable that can be placed INSIDE a building (that work the same as tents do now) allowing you to set up in an abandoned warhouse or farm or some such, with the addition of fortefications ssoon and the sugestion of suing generators to power up building i think that would add a new layer to the group gameplay experiance , you would end up with people fortifying up in vilages and gas stations. Im sure there are flaws with this idea also but as i said , just my input.
  14. vpope

    chzech pack?

    I can 100% confirm the folowing stats as i have seen personaly. Cyote 8 slots Chzech POUCH 6 slots (smaller than starting pack) Chzech 16 slots ALICE 20 slots Cyote (Cammo) 24 slots Note that there is no name diference between the Super huge cyote and the normal cyote the only dicernable difference is that the large one has a cammo pattern. Checks and ALICE packs have been found almost everywhere , gaurd houses apartments churches aircraft hangers. The only place we have no found any is in warehouses and factorys. I hope this is helpfull.
  15. Can somone on the dev team please confirm that the UH1 tail rotor can be repaired ? We have been trying to fix this UH1 for days, the only part i cant fix is the tail rotor.
  16. vpope

    All things fuel related!

  17. vpope

    UH1 tail rotor

    I have never seen a rotor assembly and i have raided the airfield warehouses 9-10 times , along with all the warehouses on the south docks
  18. vpope

    UH1 tail rotor

    I have never seen a rotor assembly and i have raided the airfield warehouses 9-10 times , along with all the warehouses on the south docks