My friends and I found a nice base up on Black Water lake. We figured it was the host clan's base since it was full of obviously duped tents/sandbags/tenttraps. Funny enough on the server description it states that duping result in ban. So then we see these hypocrites driving on a motorcycle towards their base. We followed them to the base and opened fire. I put several bullets from my MK 48 Mod into one of the guys who then proceeded to ALT F4. My friend proceeded towards the tents when a hidden ghillie took out my friend. I waited for the ghillie to step out so I could take him out but after a while the ALT F4er rejoins, so i pop him on the head and he dies. I decide that that was enough of waiting for the ghillie so i simply started spraying my LMG onto their motorcycle and in the direction of the ghillie. I then proceed to make my getaway on my trusty old bicycle. A few minutes later I receive a ban from the admin. Im sure killing the admin or a clan mate of the admin is not a proper reason for a ban. Not only that but my friend who died was also banned soon after. If I cant get an appeal at least this will be a warning that the clan hosting US1894 cant even handle a simple ambush.