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Everything posted by bodha

  1. I strongly 2nd this one. Im having hackers roll in and disrupt my server on a daily basis and thought I was going to be able to password it, but turns out we cant so I'm trying to figure out what other options I can take. Yesterday I had an autogrenade guy tele around the server killing ppl. A few days b4 its was the guy with 50 barbwire, and Ive also am regularly having ppl come onto the server and tele vehicles to them or tele to the vehicles. The whole reason to leave the public hive was to get away from these problems and yet with the vilayer setup its basically public v2.0. The hackers know the ppl are moving to vilayer and are just following the crowd. We need passwords, the ability to remove all barbwire emplacements on server restarts, and full ftp access to the files for the server which is what was advertised! Instead we got access to some files and not others.
  2. bodha

    QQ Admins - Lingor - (Slap server)

    1. The guys who tend to keep having this happen to them also ten to be the ones talking a whole lot of smack on the server, racking up 10+ kills per hour and somehow always getting reequipped completely within 5 minutes of dying. 2. You are right its next to impossible to enforce if everyone on the server was against it, but amazingly I have a lot of ppl playing on my server who like that rule and do enjoy how it changes the game. Now ppl regularly can see the killing grounds through binocs, you can also quite often see if the corpse still has a gun worth running in for or not. Also the killer rarely picks up everything, instead grabbing what they need and moving on. I've had 2 bands of players fight for hours trying to recover corpses. You dont get that when one side can simply hide the bodies. Oh and for all the ppl complaining on these forums about slap servers I do find it funny that my server keeps going up on gametracker rankings. Seems a lot more ppl like it than dont.
  3. bodha

    QQ Admins - Lingor - (Slap server)

    you know not a single person has told me how to disable voice on global w/o disabling it also for direct. Ive asked other admins, none have a solution for this. The guy you mentioned getting banned had already been warned several times over other issues, kicked, and yet he continued to use global voice. It was the last straw so he got banned.
  4. bodha

    QQ Admins - Lingor - (Slap server)

    You guys wouldn't happen to be the guys who hopped on and stated up front you were videoing it all and then proceeded to make asses of yourselves were u? none of my friends ghost, and when I catch ppl ghosting I ban them tyvm. Tbh catching ppl ghosting is not the easiest thing but when I do get reports of ghosting I investigate. I also ban for hacking, burying other ppls corpses, placing barbwire, and continued use of global voice. Most bans are of the global voice variety b/c ppl tend not to get it even when you kick them. I think the incident you are talking about is the guys rolling around in the vehicle that was hacked in. Idc who has a vehicle that was legit, but if it gets hacked in and I find you in it I'm banning your ass. I told the ppl driving it up front to get out and they insisted they just found it. Incidentally I'm fairly certain one of them was the guy I killed with a full clip of dmr to the chest at point blank range. Got to love ppl who dont die when to the first few hits, but survive long enough for you empty a clip, kill u, and then they bleed out. It is a private server and I post very clearly do not bury other ppls bodies. Im very clear when asked that u can take the stuff off it and toss on a zed to bury, or just take it all. JUST DONT BURY OTHER PPLs corpses!!! Yet for some reason that was a problem for you guys. One of you was involved in a firefight and the guy who returned to it finds his body gone. Reminder of the rule goes out and then you guys complain about it. Dont like the rule go elsewhere. took a minute to watch your video, nice, but you seem to be covering the chat where you are typing away about how the rules are bs etc. you dont stop bitching and eventually get kicked for it. On a side note it is a lingor hive server so you should be able to continue where you left off at on someone elses server. Have a nice day
  5. Well now that I have a name I will look into it.
  6. correct. The smallammobox will spawn at crash sites and in the large barracks. The original entries are someone hacking in stuff.
  7. bodha

    QQ Admins - Lingor - (Slap server)

    Hmm, did some digging you got a 1 week ban for global voice. Basically you killed one admin which was fine and all, but then proceeded to taunt him using voice over the side channel and server rule is no using global voice period. Another admin gave you that 1 week ban. We are very aggressive about not using global voice for any reason. By the way, if you had just written the stuff, you wouldn't have gotten the ban. oh and your right about his aim sucking.
  8. best of luck to you. Hopefully you after running a server for awhile you'll come to see whatever you thought of as "abusing power" in a different light. Feel free to PM me sometime with what it was you thought we did wrong. btw the only thing I've been banning for on my server is heavy abuse of global voice, or ppl we've caught hacking (spawning in stuff, teleporting, etc.). We do kick ppl pretty quick for using global voice as a warning, we used to just type them a msg, but that rarely seemed to work. If thats abuse oh well. Also I can't seem to find anyone named thaddius in any log for my server. Strange how someone commenting on a server isn't even in any log file for even joining the server.
  9. 1. There were 2 of us in the building 2. You didnt look like you were leaving, instead u crouched behind the car wreck and then she moved around the building 3. I toss the grenade from the roof, while he was firing from inside 4. When you are using global voice to scream out your frustration that is what got you banned, nothing else. 5. You failed to mention you combat logged btw.
  10. Im the main admin for this server. Few Things: 1. Derpy got in a firefight and while it was happening, a guy teleported into it with a large machine gun. 2. One jackass came onto the server and lays over 50 barbwire in about 20 minutes in one location against server rules. 3. The server has global chat enabled, but we don't allow global voice and yet your friend Bane was making an ass of himself in global voice until he got banned. Nice stream, but since it doesn't show the fight + teleporter and you and your friend are butthurt feel free to go to another private server.
  11. As a server admin, Unreservedly yes, or at least give us an option to not have them persist through restarts. I had someone place over 50 barbwires down last night in a relatively small area just b/c he thought that would be funny.
  12. bodha

    HFB Server hosting....

    I've been very satisfied with HFB. They put up with me screwing up things and they usually get me fixed back up pretty quick.
  13. little thing i have learned about the tents... put the tent down, put stuff in, save it, pull stuff out, pull tent up, next restart come back and you will find your tent with stuff in it. Enjoy
  14. bodha

    To the Owners of US 2037 Again

    btw as of the way tents works means that camp cant be moved. its stuck there everytime the server restarts all those tents pop back up. luckily Im going private server soon so will not have to continue deal ppl like OP
  15. bodha

    To the Owners of US 2037 Again

    pretty funny considering i didnt do the server wide kill and had the drop on him when it happened. I was about 50m to his right when he dies to server wide kill so did I.
  16. bodha

    To the Owners of US 2037

    1. Yeah, when I stopped to look at the logs there were several ppl who showed up in them since the last time I had looked. I don't spend my entire evening refreshing the logs. I usually just check them when a bunch of weird shit happens or one of my regular players hops onto the TS where I hang out and says they are having problems with a hacker. 2. I dont know who did the server wide kill, but when I look in the logs he showed up. I actually didnt know the name of the guy at the camp. Just so happened he was in my logs so he got banned. 3. And yeah it basically is my word vs his. Good thing for him he can go harass other ppl on other servers. The regulars on my server appreciate I dont put up with hackers. They get banned very fast.
  17. bodha

    To the Owners of US 2037

    1. I didnt do the server wide kill for starters. However once it happened I reviewed the logs immediately and banned everyone who showed in the logs doing non standard things. By the way if the hack hadn't happened you would have died about 3 seconds later tops. I and 1 other had the drop on you when that happened. 2. You were the guy who climbed the tower and logged out I guess when you go trapped 3. You showed up in the logs so you got the ban 4. Finding the camp itself wasn't the issue. Expected that to happen sooner of later, but you sir were hacking.
  18. Adam loads in, then less than 1 minute later begins spamming 40mm grenades. Plz note the location coordinates. He clearly teleports. In fact I was taking off in a helo after returning someone to their corpse when he teleports in directly below me and begins spamming grenades. 26.08.2012 15:44:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 81:4 [0,0,0] 26.08.2012 15:44:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 81:6 [0,0,0] 26.08.2012 15:44:41: Token ( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 34:278 34:4 [6244,7769,302] [-6,4,0] 26.08.2012 15:45:36: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:8 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-27,-72,-19] 26.08.2012 15:45:36: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:9 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-30,-72,-12] 26.08.2012 15:45:36: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:10 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-32,-72,-11] 26.08.2012 15:45:36: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:11 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-32,-72,-6] 26.08.2012 15:45:36: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:12 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-32,-72,-7] 26.08.2012 15:45:36: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:13 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-33,-72,-4] 26.08.2012 15:45:36: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:14 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-33,-72,-3] 26.08.2012 15:45:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:15 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-34,-71,-3] 26.08.2012 15:45:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:16 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-35,-71,0] 26.08.2012 15:45:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:17 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-36,-71,2] 26.08.2012 15:45:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:18 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-37,-70,5] 26.08.2012 15:45:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:19 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-37,-70,6] 26.08.2012 15:45:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:20 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-38,-68,12] 26.08.2012 15:45:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:21 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-38,-69,11] 26.08.2012 15:45:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:22 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-39,-68,14] 26.08.2012 15:45:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:23 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-39,-67,15] 26.08.2012 15:45:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:24 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-40,-67,15] 26.08.2012 15:45:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:25 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-40,-66,19] 26.08.2012 15:45:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:26 81:4 [10580,2870,101] [-41,-64,22] 26.08.2012 15:46:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:29 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-2,79,1] 26.08.2012 15:46:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:30 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-1,79,7] 26.08.2012 15:46:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:31 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [1,79,10] 26.08.2012 15:46:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:32 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [3,79,8] 26.08.2012 15:46:37: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:33 81:4 [4938,10136,340] [5,79,9] 26.08.2012 15:46:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:34 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [4,79,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:35 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [1,79,5] 26.08.2012 15:46:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:36 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-2,79,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:37 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-5,79,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:38 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-8,79,8] 26.08.2012 15:46:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:39 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-8,78,9] 26.08.2012 15:46:38: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:40 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-9,79,7] 26.08.2012 15:46:39: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:41 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-6,79,10] 26.08.2012 15:46:39: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:42 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-6,78,11] 26.08.2012 15:46:39: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:43 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-7,78,12] 26.08.2012 15:46:39: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:44 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-9,78,13] 26.08.2012 15:46:39: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:45 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-14,78,0] 26.08.2012 15:46:40: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:46 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-20,77,-1] 26.08.2012 15:46:40: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:47 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-18,77,4] 26.08.2012 15:46:40: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:48 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-17,77,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:40: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:49 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-16,78,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:40: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:50 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-12,78,5] 26.08.2012 15:46:40: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:51 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-11,79,5] 26.08.2012 15:46:41: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:52 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-10,79,5] 26.08.2012 15:46:41: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:53 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-9,79,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:41: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:54 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-10,79,5] 26.08.2012 15:46:41: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:55 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-8,79,7] 26.08.2012 15:46:41: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:56 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-7,79,5] 26.08.2012 15:46:41: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:57 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-8,79,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:41: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:58 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-9,79,4] 26.08.2012 15:46:42: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:59 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-11,78,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:42: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:60 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-11,78,8] 26.08.2012 15:46:42: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:61 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-13,78,0] 26.08.2012 15:46:43: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:62 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-11,79,2] 26.08.2012 15:46:43: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:63 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-8,79,4] 26.08.2012 15:46:44: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:64 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-5,79,4] 26.08.2012 15:46:44: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:65 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-3,79,5] 26.08.2012 15:46:44: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:66 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [0,79,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:44: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:67 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [1,79,7] 26.08.2012 15:46:44: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:68 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-1,79,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:44: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:69 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-2,79,5] 26.08.2012 15:46:45: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:70 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-3,79,3] 26.08.2012 15:46:45: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:71 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-2,79,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:45: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:72 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-1,79,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:45: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:73 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [0,79,5] 26.08.2012 15:46:45: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:74 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [0,79,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:45: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:75 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [0,79,9] 26.08.2012 15:46:46: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:76 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-1,79,7] 26.08.2012 15:46:46: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:77 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-5,79,5] 26.08.2012 15:46:46: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:78 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-6,79,2] 26.08.2012 15:46:46: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:79 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-5,79,10] 26.08.2012 15:46:46: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:81 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-7,78,12] 26.08.2012 15:46:47: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:82 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-9,79,8] 26.08.2012 15:46:47: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:83 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-5,79,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:47: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:84 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-9,79,3] 26.08.2012 15:46:47: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:85 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-1,79,3] 26.08.2012 15:46:47: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:86 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [0,79,5] 26.08.2012 15:46:47: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:87 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-6,79,9] 26.08.2012 15:46:47: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:88 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-7,79,9] 26.08.2012 15:46:47: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:89 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-11,78,4] 26.08.2012 15:46:48: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:90 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-9,78,10] 26.08.2012 15:46:48: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:91 81:4 [4938,10136,340] [-10,78,14] 26.08.2012 15:46:48: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:92 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-3,79,11] 26.08.2012 15:46:48: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:93 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-6,79,8] 26.08.2012 15:46:48: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:94 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-15,78,3] 26.08.2012 15:46:48: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:95 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-22,76,-3] 26.08.2012 15:46:48: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:96 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-18,77,0] 26.08.2012 15:46:49: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:97 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-17,77,1] 26.08.2012 15:46:49: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:98 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-11,79,3] 26.08.2012 15:46:49: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:99 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-8,79,4] 26.08.2012 15:46:49: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:100 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-3,79,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:49: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:101 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-11,78,9] 26.08.2012 15:46:49: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:102 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-20,77,6] 26.08.2012 15:46:49: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:103 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [-14,77,10] 26.08.2012 15:46:50: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:104 81:4 [4938,10137,340] [5,78,11] 26.08.2012 15:47:02: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:134 81:4 [11528,6597,68] [41,-30,60] 26.08.2012 15:47:02: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:135 81:4 [11528,6597,68] [39,-25,64] 26.08.2012 15:47:02: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:136 81:4 [11528,6597,68] [38,-22,66] 26.08.2012 15:47:03: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:137 81:4 [11528,6597,68] [38,-23,66] 26.08.2012 15:47:03: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:138 81:4 [11528,6597,68] [37,-23,66] 26.08.2012 15:47:03: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:139 81:4 [11528,6597,68] [35,-22,68] 26.08.2012 15:47:03: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:140 81:4 [11528,6597,68] [33,-21,69] 26.08.2012 15:47:03: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:141 81:4 [11528,6597,69] [33,-21,69] 26.08.2012 15:47:03: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:142 81:4 [11528,6597,68] [33,-22,69] 26.08.2012 15:47:03: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:143 81:4 [11528,6597,69] [33,-21,69] 26.08.2012 15:47:03: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:144 81:4 [11528,6597,69] [33,-20,69] 26.08.2012 15:47:03: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:145 81:4 [11528,6597,68] [34,-20,69] 26.08.2012 15:47:04: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:146 81:4 [11528,6597,69] [34,-20,69] 26.08.2012 15:47:04: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:147 81:4 [11528,6597,68] [34,-20,69] 26.08.2012 15:47:10: Bodha ( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #0 "HelicopterExploSmall" 15:349 0:0 [11544,6586,67] [0,0,0] 26.08.2012 15:47:10: Bodha ( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #0 "HelicopterExploBig" 15:350 0:0 [11544,6586,68] [0,0,0] 26.08.2012 15:47:19: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:154 81:4 [11515,6601,68] [79,-8,-5] 26.08.2012 15:47:20: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:155 81:4 [11515,6601,68] [79,-11,2] 26.08.2012 15:47:20: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:156 81:4 [11515,6601,68] [78,-13,7] 26.08.2012 15:47:20: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:157 81:4 [11515,6601,68] [78,-13,6] 26.08.2012 15:47:20: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:158 81:4 [11515,6601,68] [78,-11,8] 26.08.2012 15:47:20: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:159 81:4 [11515,6601,68] [79,-7,4] 26.08.2012 15:47:20: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:160 81:4 [11515,6601,68] [79,-5,7] 26.08.2012 15:47:22: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:161 81:4 [11515,6601,68] [79,-7,0] 26.08.2012 15:47:22: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:162 81:4 [11515,6601,68] [78,-10,7] 26.08.2012 15:47:22: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:163 81:4 [11515,6601,68] [78,-11,7] 26.08.2012 15:47:38: Bodha ( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #0 "SmallSecondary" 15:356 0:0 [11550,6598,68] [0,0,0] 26.08.2012 15:47:40: Bodha ( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #0 "HelicopterExploSmall" 15:357 0:0 [11550,6598,66] [0,0,0] 26.08.2012 15:47:40: Bodha ( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #0 "HelicopterExploBig" 15:358 0:0 [11550,6598,67] [0,0,0] 26.08.2012 15:47:50: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:169 81:4 [6661,2295,7] [-17,77,8] 26.08.2012 15:47:51: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:170 81:4 [6661,2295,7] [-16,76,14] 26.08.2012 15:47:51: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:171 81:4 [6661,2295,7] [-16,76,15] 26.08.2012 15:47:51: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:172 81:4 [6661,2295,7] [-13,75,22] 26.08.2012 15:47:51: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:173 81:4 [6661,2295,7] [-12,76,19] 26.08.2012 15:47:51: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:174 81:4 [6661,2295,7] [-11,75,24] 26.08.2012 15:47:51: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:175 81:4 [6661,2295,7] [-9,73,29] 26.08.2012 15:47:51: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:176 81:4 [6661,2295,7] [-10,74,27] 26.08.2012 15:47:51: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:177 81:4 [6661,2295,7] [-9,72,33] 26.08.2012 15:47:51: Adam ( 48bd218e2c9f6ff5ae97a5ecb435b0ad - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 81:178 81:4 [6661,2295,7] [-9,72,32] 26.08.2012 15:47:52: Bodha ( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #0 "SmallSecondary" 15:359 0:0 [11546,6597,67] [0,0,0] 26.08.2012 15:48:07: Bodha ( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #0 "SmallSecondary" 15:360 0:0 [11546,6597,67] [0,0,0]
  19. bodha

    US 2037

    You weren't involved in the reason the server went down. There was a guy on the server teleporting ppl to him and causing them to break legs when they fell. And I wasn't in cherno when you were having that fight. You were fighting the other clump of regulars on the server who I have nothing to do with.
  20. Stop lagging out the server. Everytime you logged in and out the server experienced a severe drop in performance and substantial lag, kind of like it was having to do a huge amount of processing. Funny how when you logged out it stopped. So eventually after realizing you were just hopping in and out I had it and banned you for the sake of server stability. Pretty mysterious how as soon as you get banned you didnt try to come back, but made 2 attempts at widely separate points. The third time you tried to come back you came on as a different Guid and had your friend sitting in the lobby. Im not dumb. Stop botting and stop lagging the server. almost forgot after you got banned another elderic came in with a different guid... how many accounts you got farming there?