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1 week old public hive server no chopper (VILAYER)
bodha replied to waffen-79's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
wished that was how my server worked from vilayer. Been waiting for 2days for a response to a ticket. Have been having several issues such as server keeps rolling back to 9AM per watch every 30-50 minutes. People regularly log back in to find their backpacks full of bent tin cans etc. and bodies auto hide when you die (confirmed through a car wreck, and multiple deaths to zombies while friendlies watched the player die). Not sure if it was someone hacking my server that caused these problems or if its related to their private hive server package updates they pushed through recently. to top that off had one guy on my server who was able to magically find anyone elses camp immediately if he was wanting too. He also got the chopper every time, parked it on a roof, and then when asked said he was able to get it off legit even though others who found it could not and it was determined he did not log out on the roof. got to love this game and hate the community or is it the other way around. -
Additional createvehicle.txt to watch for
bodha replied to LostS77 (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I also look for multiple assault or alice packs for the same person with sequential log entries. I started noticing ppl who I never saw on my server were coming in, having 1 survivor/sniper entry, 1 backpack_EP1 entry, and then 2 other pack entries usually a second apart at most. Caught one of them on the beach one day he still had 2 packs laying on the ground with gear in one of them. Really wish the log entry shows whats in a pack when it comes into existence. Would seriously help identify these fellows. Also keep an eye out for ppl who launch 40mm_HE rapidly (faster than you can normally). You see someone doing that be sure to report them to the community ban list. Its a hack where they basically will tele to players/vehicles and saturate them with HE rounds. -
Vilayer you can set the server to a number of different settings. I had mine set to always be 9AM when the server restarted. Magically no night time was very popular. you can change the hfb setting, just stop the server, in the control panel look for a parameter box where you can place time settings, cant remember exact detail but you just have to type into the box "UTC +08", or "UTC -04" etc.
The AS50 TWS needs to be DB wiped or not able to be saved to hive.
bodha replied to KField86's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
what a lark reading this. Just want to say when I did run a public hive I banned many... many ppl and not 1 single time did I get a pm from a dev or moderator about any 1 of those bans. Hackers can hide behind the argument that these weapons were once in the game, but you know what? I simply dont buy the idea that this many of them survived all the mass kills, player deaths etc. so I just ban when I see them. Admins need to stand up and start banning left and right all the ppl who are causing your server problems until you get a pm from the devs or a moderator. IF they ever contact you simply say it was server disrupting behavior etc.. Should you get someone in the logs doing some very black and white hacking/scripting submit that to the community ban list. That takes all of 5 minutes tops. Just cut the related segments of the log out and past them into a new issues submission on their page. Dont let these trolls keep you from doing what you know is right for your server community and the game as a whole. -
Let me start this by saying that until the recent episode I had with vilayer I was generally very please with their service. My problems as an admin arose when I found myself logging into my own server and almost immediately having someone teleport to me and kill me. Happens to me once, coincidence, 3 times over over a few days... not so much. On top of that recently I started having hackers enter my server very shortly b4 automated restarts and do mass kills. Shortly after other restarts and do mass vehicle teleports along with mass kills via teleporting ppl 100m+ up. I wanted to password to prevent this. Vilayer says no to passwords because it will infect the hive. Who cares if the hive is already "infected"? Who cares if the paying customers (admins) are fed up with public hive so had moved to the vilayer "private" hive to avoid it only to find out that vilayer has become the public hive v2.0. Btw to vilayer. You tell me how I can ban someone who shows up in my .rpt file with a hacked set of gear when I cant find them in any of the BE .log files? Only reason I know the guy was hacking or involved in hacking is he logs into my server with hacked gear. He logged out of my server b4 I caught him so I didnt get his guid anywhere. Downright amazing, but hey... the hive isn't infected unless you let ppl have passworded servers. They did say passwording will eventually happen, but not when, and were not willing to work with me so I can keep the server running. Instead Im supposed to pay them $$ for a service I cant use and they are not bothering to secure for me against pure griefing. I demanded a refund they eventually stated they would give me a prorated credit at most. Funny thing though the server advertisements state full ftp access which is NOT true. full server ftp access would not mean I can see files in the file manager but they are not visible when looking via ftp. Thats bait and switch. Now they do have an explanation for it I'm sure, but its still false advertising. Hope they have fun talking to my bank since they stopped talking to me. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 13/09/2012 00:52 William || Client Hi, I would very much like to password my server, but cant find how within the config files. Currently my server has become quite popular as you can see from gametracker.com, but I'm being swamped with hackers and griefers. I would very much like to close out the hackers via a password to the individuals who have moved onto the server and not hacked. 13/09/2012 00:55 Shawn || Staff Hey William we do not currently allow people to password their servers as all DayZPackage servers are on the same Vilayer Hive and allowing this may compromise other servers. We are looking into adding this very soon though. Best Regards, Shawn (Support Technician) Vilayer LTD | www.vilayer.com 13/09/2012 14:10 William || Client So my private server which I pay for is unprotected from any and all hackers who are now coming through on a daily basis. In fact I'm spending about half my playtime now dealing with hackers and troublemakers via rcon rather than playing the game. What am I supposed to do ban everyone who comes onto the server who isn't supposed too? Right now I get an avg of 2-3 server disruptive hackers every 2 hours. I went to a private server to get away from them and yet you are telling me that I cant get away from them? Hell if I cant password the server I might as well go back to playing on the public hive! Oh and I dont care if my server is on the same hive as all the other vilayer hives so if having a completely separate hive is a quick solution I'll take it. But if you cant get me passworded option or at least prevent people from joining my server without my pre approving I will not be reupping this account. I didnt come here to continue serving as a punching bag for hackers and the log system simply doesnt stop it. By the way you do realize that all that your no password stance is going to do is make your new popular servers be the next target for the extreme hacking problems that have been plaguing this game. 13/09/2012 15:02 Casey || Staff Just ban everyone who joins while you are on. Passwording is coming soon. Best Regards, Casey (Support Technician) Vilayer LTD | www.vilayer.com 13/09/2012 17:35 William || Client I'm locking the server. Now I have hackers hopping in and teleporting everyone way up in the sky to kill everyone on the server. If you cant get this resolved today plz cancel my account and refund the money. 13/09/2012 17:44 William || Client apparently you guys have a problem with locking the server and I cant unlock it since you turned it off. Gee thanks. How about this. You tell me how to stop someone from hopping on, and as soon as they are in teleporting everyone to them 100m up in the sky?!? They are not doing this for any other reason than to kill my server. Either you fix it, or give me a full refund. Im just about ready to walk away from this game permanently b/c of this. 13/09/2012 18:14 Shawn || Staff William your server was automatically turned off because you locked it. You asked if you could password it we told you that you can not. If you are unsure as to how you can ban players please read the following link: http://www.vilayer.com/cl/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&catid=1&id=1 Best Regards, Shawn (Support Technician) Vilayer LTD | www.vilayer.com 13/09/2012 18:15 Shawn || Staff Your server should also be online and operational now too. Best Regards, Shawn (Support Technician) Vilayer LTD | www.vilayer.com 13/09/2012 18:28 William || Client Hey shawn, What am I supposed to do about ppl logging into the server and immediately killing everyone and just leaving? I can't preemptively ban them, I cant sit 24/7 staring at rcon and banning ppl as they login. The people who are doing this DONT care to play, they just want to ruin it for the ppl on my server b/c I caught them hacking on other guids. Also If you can pull my logs plz look in the arma2oa.rpt file and do a search for itemradio. There was a guy on my server with that and other hacked items who does not show in any log at the time and I couldnt get his guid out of rcon to ban him after he hopped off. Seriously this is harassment and I have no method of stopping these guys. Banning 1 account just means they come right back with another account and do it again when I restart. Your response that I should ban them is like trying to stop a flood with a bucket. They win b/c I cant possibly keep up with this and the tools being offered do not solve it. If you guys aren't willing to let me password and aren't able to keep them out, just refund my $$ and close the server. Im one guy with a few friends trying to have a good time playing games. We can't spend our evenings rebuilding every hour or so when a hacker rolls in and does this. You guys seem to believe you are helping the community by not allowing the passwords but tbh my friends and I are the paying customer and thus the backbone of the community. We will leave and I think you will see a lot of your other server admins doing the same thing shortly. 13/09/2012 18:35 Shawn || Staff William I understand your frustration and I am fully aware how passwording your server will help with this problem. These are the exact reason that we are making this one of our top priorities so we can help server administrators better protect their servers. Now our reasoning for not allowing passwords is similar to why the official DayZ teams does not allow passworded servers to run on their hive, people buy servers just to abuse this. Would everyone who passworded their server being abusing the system so they can infect other servers? Of course not but we need to protect these other customers as well. At this time I do not have an ETA on when you will be able to password your server at this time. If you do not wish to wait for this feature though I can issue a prorated refund to your Vilayer credit balance. Best Regards, Shawn (Support Technician) Vilayer LTD | www.vilayer.com 13/09/2012 18:50 William || Client funny. People dont need a passworded server to "infect" another server. They just need a server that has no active admin to pull off their hacks. So your reasoning for not allowing passwords if pretty pathetic. Go ahead and prorate me and close down the server. I will not be coming back to your service and I will be posting this in full on the dayz forums later tonight. And please dont tell me it isnt possible to have a simple solution to the ghosting issue. You could easily set it so ppl who server hop do so with no gear or end up on the starter locations when they come in. Either solution would cut down on that ghosting problem and could be done on the SQL database side. You could also mass ban ppl who write to your hive with gear that is clearly not legit like the guy who came onto my server with itemRadio. Again something that can easily be checked on the SQL database side and you could easily submit all of them to your own in house community ban list. You dont do any of that yet, instead tell the people who pay for your service to accept the glaring problems which you could address.
I can accept their stance on passwording, just amazed me that they then suggested I just ban ppl as they login. Would you suggest that someone ban everyone they dont know? I would have even been cool with them telling me they would suspend the server until they could get me a private hive, but they didnt suggest nor offer that directly. I understand the argument you are making. Now tell me... would you pay continue paying someone for a service you can personally make use of? I had few problems the first week. But week 2 came around and my server had become popular so I ended up spending most of my time fighting the hackers. Once they knew I was the admin they then start targeting me in particular. I had ppl logging onto my server tele'ing to me and then killing me and then logging off. They did not care if I banned. They just have another person/account come in and do it a few hours later. As the service provider vilayer failed to understand I wanted some degree of protection from that or I wanted to end the service. The solution they offered was effectively password the server by banning anyone I dont know. My question is how is that different from passwording the server? The only difference I see is that it would take a bit of effort on the part of the admins, but hey at that point I might as well give all the regulars rcon access and let them all take turns banning incoming players. Would you as another admin within the same hive feel better knowing that is going on within the hive rather than simply passwording? And ven what server are you running? Willing to let ppl know so the hackers can target you next? Or are you keeping it quiet and hoping to fly under the radar?
now I will agree with that point. Anyway I got to run some errands will be back later. Enjoy the debate
Hey I would be completely cool with them not being multi-server to 1 hive. Didnt go to them for that. I went there hoping to reduce the volume of hackers drifting through! Seems a lot of ppl had the same idea and when the player base moved vilayer's hive became public 2.0. First week it was fine, not many problems, but once the hive pop ramped up the hackers began systematically wrecking servers. Hell I'm not the only admin who is pulling his server with them down over this. I'm just being vocal about it. I'm just curious what ppl thought about vilayer's proposed temporary solution of ban everyone. As for the arguments about passworded servers wrecking the whole hive thats just weak. All it takes for the servers to be wrecked is for hackers to go to the unpopulated vilayer hive servers. run their gear hacks. logout and login on the server where they will play. People who are willing to pay for a server are much less likely to be hacking since they sincerely want to play the game. Time and time again ppl though seem to think admins are going to do that when its much more cost effective to just use another person's server for that.
just got server can someone tell me if this log is ok
bodha replied to marb's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
you might want to go the bistudios forums and look for that very long thread about the log features. Basically your best bet is get a good parser for script.log file, ban most remoteexec entries, and keep an eye on the createvehicle.log file for unusual activity like someone spamming a lot of grenades, or making several backpacks within a moment or two of each other (pretty sure those are the guys summoning in backpacks with loot in them). Only realized that is the likely culprit when I killed a guy on the beach one day and say 2 packs on the ground in front of him, looked in the logs and voila! he had spawned 2 assault packs. One had an M107 with 2 clips, the other had more clips, and a few tools he hadn't pulled out yet. -
its an auto kick, but innocent. You can accidentally hit that tripwire while the map is open. Its the server control button last on the list while the map is open
server log - how to see what is created (vehicles)
bodha replied to skoda's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
you dont get access to the database with the server hosting companies in general. You want to know where the vehicles were saved at the .rpt file is your best bet. Its also a good place to look when you think ppl are logging INTO your server with hacked weapons/gear. Want to find ppl causing problems? Check .rpt file, createvehicle.log, and parse the script.log if you can get a good parser. Just look and see when the remoteexec.log file was last modified and look in it only when you notice its been modified. It rarely gets anything, but when it does... thats going to be hack most likely. -
Heli stuck under the sea - As Server Admin, how can we fix this?
bodha replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
hey, but the hackers aren't the problem! Server admins on power trips.... now thats a problem :) bet you wished you had a much more beefy server rcon right about now. One that would despawn vehicles that went out of bounds like that. Perhaps one that would alert you to mass teleports? Got to be a way, but we admins cant be trusted for anything beyond forking over the $$. -
I just got pissed with them when they told me the solution to unwanted players was to preemptively ban them while I'm on. Before that response I was just pissed that I had someone log into my server right after a restart and do a mass kill and vehicle tele. Per vilayer I cant password, but I can ban ppl for no reason other than I dont want them on the server and do it while they are loading or very shortly thereafter... Thats just not cool. I didn't want to waste my time or other ppls time doing that pointless exercise. Would you think thats a viable solution to gaming? I want to have fun, I want other ppl to have fun, I just wanted the hackers to go away and leave the ppl on my server alone.
QQ Admins - Lingor - (Slap server)
bodha replied to Phantasm (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Logan, there's no point. Im pulling my server down until I can get a passworded one. Since this thread popped up a few days ago I've had ppl logging into my server within a few minutes of most server restarts and tele'ing all vehicles to them, occasionally all players as well (but 100+m up so they fall to their deaths) and other fully destructive acts. Doesnt matter if I ban someone when all that happens is another ass comes in and does it all over. Not saying it was you guys. Just that popularity of the server resulted in hackers/scripters deciding they wanted to ruin the server. When I spoke to vilayer about the problems btw they told me to ban ppl, I explained its that the bulk of the problem which I cant solve through simply banning is these mass kill server vehicle tele scripts which happen as soon as the hacker gets loaded in. The solution they offered me? BAN EVERYONE who I dont personally know BEFORE they can fully login!! Cant have passwords, but they are fully cool with me banning everyone and being a complete ass. Funny how they explained to me that passwording within their hive would infect the overall hive, but.... having ppl mass ban isn't problem. They also didnt seem to understand the problems they are trying to stop from occurring with passwording already happen. -
QQ Admins - Lingor - (Slap server)
bodha replied to Phantasm (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
lol, no-pvp zones. Forget it. Hell Ive had my camp raided multiple times. Had ppl steal my car. Ive had ppl shoot me while I'm tabbed over to do rcon admin stuff. Funny thing though. The guys who were playing on the server a lot, even the ones who shot me on sight enjoyed the way it was. Did I have ppl rant at me over the rules? Yeah, but I just kick/ban them and they come over here to complain. Did I care? Not really. If they want to rant thats fine. I have no problem with them playing their way on another server that I'm not paying for. If they came onto my server though they were going to abide by the rules. If I caught you not abiding by them... I quickly show them the door. Kind of feel bad for cash4gold. He pulled his server down today and I began pulling mine down over the same issue. Unrelenting hackers have ruined the vilayer hive. I've had a very lengthy back and forth with them today about it and the responses I got were pretty entertaining. I was told I can't password.... but I can ban everyone if I want to as they enter my server. The reason for no passwording was that it would lead to bad admins "infecting" the hive. I'm thinking are they serious? Do they not realize that the problem is already happening? People just hack the stuff on server A and then go to server B to play. If they get banned from server A who cares? As for getting them on the community ban list that isnt going to happen unless the log files show whats in those magical backpacks the vehicle log shows AND the admin is on the ball for that server. Are they ghosting? why ghost to a passworded server? Why not just go to the numerous low/no pop servers that are on the same vilayer hive? The point is that the people who are hacking like that are NOT likely to pay for a server when they can easily get onto one of the many available servers. People who pay for servers want to make a place where they and their friends can simply have a good time. For most that means they don't mind new people, they dont mind bandits, or non bandits. They simply want a place where they don't have to deal with teleporting, ghosting, and a multitude of other disruptive hacks. Now if you want the kicker.... I had a guy on my arma2oa.rpt file today with an itemRadio. Now when I go to look for him in the createvehicle.log or scripts.log files he doesnt appear in EITHER!!! Now since he was on and off my server before I caught him I wasn't able to even get a guid to ban him. Clearly though he has a hacked item. Now my question is if vilayer wants to be the white knight for this game why dont they take a minute and regularly sweep their hive for people with what are very clearly hacked items. Ban each and every person they catch with them and the number of hackers will be substantially reduced. -
Treasure Island - New Lingor server - max vehicle spawns
bodha replied to cash4gold's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
well that sucks. Tools for finding/preventing hackers are crappy, the hackers know it, admins know it, devs know it, hosting service knows it, and the rapidly diminishing player base knows it too. Admins are the only one paying for this game right now and we get all the abuse for trying to do the right thing. Whats really needed: 1. Passworded servers. Need to strictly firewall them from non passworded servers in some manner. 2. Ghosting prevention, last server being the only one you can spawn into at saved location, otherwise back to the beach you go. That one thing would substantially cut down on issues. 3. Hive database checks for hacked equipment, repeat offenders should get warning email, temp ban, and then a perma ban. Seriously amazes me how I keep finding ppl with itemRadio logging into my server. 4. A seriously beefed up rcon toolset. 5. Vehicle should only move at player request if they are the current driver. IE teleporting them should be locked away. At very least this should be logged when it happens. 6. Server admins should have a method for removing griefer barbwire. Every admin knows what Im talking about if they've run a server for awhile. 7. Player location changes should be logged if they cross a threshold from the last known location. Right now most of the teleporting doesnt show in the logs. 8. Newly created backpacks when they enter the log file should show whats in them. Would make it much easier to identify the ppl who are summoning in backpacks with full kit inside of them. Without those things I think all us admins are just being played for fools at this point. Rockit would be well served to address the hacking problem b4 ppl are fully soured with his game. At the very least he needs to say hey, I'm working on it and in the meantime admins are free to fight it however they see fit. -
QQ Admins - Lingor - (Slap server)
bodha replied to Phantasm (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
the rule is easy to enforce. I kick ppl when they use global voice, after that I ban. Usually the problem if there is one is when the friend they came in with starts raging about me banning for global voice. 2nd banned person solves that. Now not burying bodies is really hard to enforce tbh, but the players who play on the server start to see that as a game in and of itself. Firefights result in 2 groups having a keen interest to come back and recover corpses, knowing there are other ppl camping there trying to get at them. Had a running gun battle last night at a river crossing SW of maruko which lasted long enough for a 3rd group to get involved. Was pretty funny how many ppl got pulled into that over the simple fact that you can see all that loot just sitting there. Now ppl who aren't regulars dont understand it, but if they hang around they get to liking how this simple rule can lead to some very interesting situations. Main thing though is you start to see firefights in odd places that get ppl fighting in unusual places rather than in the same old ganking spots. -
Treasure Island - New Lingor server - max vehicle spawns
bodha replied to cash4gold's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
lol sounds like you are having the same problem I had today with mine. Someone rolled in tele'd to me as soon as I logged into my server and killed me. A few minutes later another fellow logged into my server, tele'd all vehicles to him, tele'd all players to him, but 100m+ up in the sky and then he logs out while everyone falls to their death. damage done. I spoke to vilayer and they are not going to allow passwords for awhile. Instead I was told I should ban EVERYONE who I don't know when they log into my server to prevent these issues as a work around to the no passwording. Kind of funny in a sad sort of way. I had someone get on my server today with a few hacked items (itemRadio and a hacked gun in particular) in the .rpt read from the hive and yet they never showed anywhere in my logs with their guid so I have nothing to ban. If I had been able to catch them while they were still on the server I might have been able to get them with rcon, but.... w/o just outta luck. Hope you are now seeing why adminning gets frustrating even for those of us with the best of intentions. I left mine up until vilayer pulls it down. I requested a refund since they cant seem to be willing to admit they are creating the problematic environment that caused many ppl to leave the public hive. They said they would prorate me but they still haven't pulled the server down or gotten me that refund. Still waiting to see if they are going to suddenly change their tune. As long as they have all those servers hived together they are just public hive v2.0 -
1. its requires @dayz, @day_lingor, and @dayz_lingor_island to play it. 2. This is really a 2nd mod that requires dayz to run. 3. I think you can get the files needed for hosting it from the guy who made dayz lingor directly, his website is russian though with some english. good luck.
um, I tried HFB and they didnt really work out real well, then went to Vilayer and they basically were more stable, but tbh no passwording massive private hive is a failed plan. I had a nice series of back and forth with them today and will be posting the entirety of that ticket to these forums later. At this point I would suggest you look to another game, or find someone who is running a truly private hive. IE, not under some truly strict ruleset that you have no say over. You might want to pm one of those fellows running a private hive in their own datacentre and see if you can get them to set you one up on the side as well.
Since its your own private server not hived by someone else here is an idea for you. Password it. Require ppl to access a forum or a ts to get the password. And if you are capable run 2+ servers. Make ppl live on server A until you are comfortable with them and then let them move onto server B which should be running the same hive. That way you prevent brand new players from hacking the server most of the long term community really lives on. That wont stop all hacking, but I got a feeling it would at least prevent a great deal of the dmg and ppl who have to live on server A will likely appreciate that they will eventually get onto server B if their nose is kept clean.
Ive been hosting a server. Was very popular got a stable pop and I was on top of the hackers fairly well. Now though I think I am done. Vilayer tells me to ban ppl as they hack, but the problem is ppl are popping onto the server, teleporting all vehicle to them, all players to them but 100m+ up so they die from falling, and then they logout. I ban. Then some other guy comes in and does it not terribly long after. No way to prevent the damage, no way to undo the damage rapidly. Players get mad at me b/c I cant prevent it, I ticket to vilayer and they say just ban ppl as they come into the server while I'm on if I dont know them. Summary, vilayer instructs me to ban ppl I dont know while they are loading into the server, b/c they won't allow me to password or lock server. So per vilayer I should sit staring at rcon and ban ppl b4 they even get onto the server. Waste of my time.
**Awesome Server Host**New Timchanging feature & Pre-whitelisted | VILAYER
bodha replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Well vilayer has told me I cant password and I cant lock. I just need to ban when stuff happens. It seems its ok for hackers to roll into servers tele everyone into the sky and leave. I'm just supposed to ban them after the damage is done and they simply come back with another guid awhile later and do it all over. Dmg is done. I'm going to ask vilayer one last time to solve this. After I get a response I'll happily post the entire ticket for others to read. Oh and btw I had someone hop onto my server with itemRadio and a hacked weapon, but they didnt appear anywhere in my logs for me to get a guid. Seems the hackers have moved to whole new level. Usually everyone shows up in the script.log file but this guy did not. -
**Awesome Server Host**New Timchanging feature & Pre-whitelisted | VILAYER
bodha replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
and now I have ppl spawning into my server with hacked weapons teleporting to and killing ppl. I restarted the server and started going through the logs, very shortly after restart I have someone hop in tele everyone to way up in the sky and then leave. My server is being griefed to death. Vilayer!!! do something -
QQ Admins - Lingor - (Slap server)
bodha replied to Phantasm (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
If I remember correctly you went off about how you didnt like the rules and our rules were stupid etc. After watching u spam the chat for a bit one of the admins figured you simply didnt want to be here anymore so he helped you get on your way. :)